%0期刊文章%@ 2371-4379 %I JMIR出版物%V 7% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 2% P e33264 %T糖尿病药物依从性智能手机应用程序:系统回顾伊斯兰,谢赫·穆罕默德·沙里夫,米什拉,维纳托什,穆罕默德·乌默尔,摩西,杰班·查迪尔,阿迪比,萨桑,勒迈,维克拉马辛哈,尼尔米尼+体育活动与营养研究所,运动与营养科学学院,迪肯大学健康学院,伯伍德公路221号,伯伍德,墨尔本,3125,澳大利亚,61 0392468393,shariful@deakin.edu.au %K智能手机%K数字健康%K糖尿病%K药物坚持%K应用程序%K应用程序%K mHealth %K移动健康%K任务技术适合%D 2022 %7 21.6.2022 %9综述%J JMIR糖尿病%G英语%X背景:糖尿病是全球主要的非传染性慢性病之一。在糖尿病患者中,需要定期监测血糖水平,并通过健康的生活方式和药物充分控制血糖水平。然而,多种因素导致服药依从性差。智能手机应用程序可以提高糖尿病患者的服药依从性,但尚不清楚哪些应用程序功能最有益。目的:本研究旨在系统评估Android和苹果应用商店中免费向公众提供的高质量糖尿病药物依从性应用程序,并介绍应用程序的技术特点。方法:我们系统地搜索苹果应用商店和谷歌Play的应用程序,以帮助糖尿病药物依从性,使用预定义的选择标准。我们使用移动应用评分量表(MARS)评估应用程序,并通过在6个维度上计算应用程序特定得分的平均值(MASS),即意识、知识、态度、改变意图、寻求帮助和行为改变评分为5分制(1=非常不同意,5=非常同意)。我们使用应用程序在这6个维度上的性能平均值来计算MASS。 Apps that achieved a total MASS mean quality score greater than 4 out of 5 were considered to be of high quality in our study. We formulated a task-technology fit matrix to evaluate the apps for diabetes medication adherence. Results: We identified 8 high-quality apps (MASS score≥4) and presented the findings under 3 main categories: characteristics of the included apps, app features, and diabetes medication adherence. Our framework to evaluate smartphone apps in promoting diabetes medication adherence considered physiological factors influencing diabetes and app features. On evaluation, we observed that 25% of the apps promoted high adherence and another 25% of the apps promoted moderate adherence. Finally, we found that 50% of the apps provided low adherence to diabetes medication. Conclusions: Our findings show that almost half of the high-quality apps publicly available for free did not achieve high to moderate medication adherence. Our framework could have positive implications for the future design and development of apps for patients with diabetes. Additionally, apps need to be evaluated using a standardized framework, and only those promoting higher medication adherence should be prescribed for better health outcomes. %M 35727613 %R 10.2196/33264 %U https://diabetes.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e33264 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33264 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35727613