I JMIR出版物V 7% N 1% P e33639% T远程血糖监卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析测在新诊断的1型糖尿病患者中的可行性和影响:单中心试验研究%A Crossen,Stephanie %A Romero,Crystal %A Reggiardo,Allison %A Michel,Jimi %A Glaser,Nicole %+加州大学戴维斯分校儿科系,2516 Stockton Blvd,萨克拉门托,CA, 95817,美国,1 916 734 7098,scrossen@ucdavis.edu %K远程监测%K 1型糖尿病%K儿科%K糖尿病%K T1D %K患者生成数据%K移动健康%K应用%D 2022 %7 17.1.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR糖尿病%G英文%X背景:新诊断为1型糖尿病(T1D)儿童的护理人员与提供者保持数周的密切联系,以促进胰岛素剂量方案的快速调整。传统上,患者的血糖值是通过电话向提供者反馈的,但数字健康技术现在可以通过移动应用程序远程共享血糖数据。目的:本研究的目的是测试在新诊断为T1D的儿童和青少年人群中远程血糖监测的可行性,并探讨与非随机对照组相比,远程监测是否会改变该人群自我检查血糖数据的习惯或感知与提供者联系的容易程度。方法:收集选择参与远程监护的家庭(干预组)和接受常规护理的患者(对照组)的数据。干预组接受了蓝牙血糖仪和苹果iPod Touch设备。患者产生的血糖数据被被动地从血糖仪传递到iPod Touch,然后传递到电子健康记录(EHR)和第三方糖尿病数据平台Tidepool。首席研究员每天检查EHR和Tidepool的血糖数据,并在出院和第一次临床预约之间根据需要联系参与者调整胰岛素剂量。对照组的家庭接受常规护理,包括保持血糖值的书面记录,并每天通过电话联系糖尿病团队,以转达数据并接受治疗建议。 A total of 40 families (20 for the intervention group and 20 for the control group) participated in the study. All families were surveyed at 1 month and 6 months regarding self-review of glucose data and ease of contacting the diabetes team. Results: Patient-generated glucose data were remotely accessible for 100% of the participants via Tidepool and for 85% via the EHR. Survey data indicated that families in the intervention group were more likely than those in the control group to review their glucose data using mobile health apps after 1 month (P<.001), but by 6 months, this difference had disappeared. Perceived ease of contacting the clinical team for assistance was lower for the intervention group after 6 months (when receiving usual care) in comparison to during the intervention period (P=.48) and compared with a control group who did not have exposure to remote monitoring (P=.03). Conclusions: Remote glucose monitoring is feasible among pediatric patients with newly diagnosed T1D and may be associated with the earlier adoption of mobile health apps for self-management. The use of broadscale remote monitoring for T1D in the future will depend on improved access to Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices for all patients, improved interoperability of mobile health apps to enable data transfer on Android as well as Apple devices, and new provider workflows to handle large-scale panel management based on patient-generated health data. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04106440; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04106440 %M 35037887 %R 10.2196/33639 %U https://diabetes.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e33639 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33639 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35037887