@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 /糖尿病。9926,作者=“Wysocki, Tim和Pierce, Jessica和Caldwell, Cindy和Aroian, Karen和Miller, Louis和Farless, Rebecca和Hafezzadeh, Ivy和mccaninch, Terri和Lee, Joyce M”,标题=“非常年幼的1型糖尿病儿童的父母基于网络的应对干预:以用户为中心的设计”,期刊=“JMIR糖尿病”,年=“2018”,月=“12”,日=“17”,卷=“3”,数=“4”,页=“e16”,关键词=“应对;移动电话;父母;社交媒体;背景:管理6岁以下儿童的1型糖尿病(T1D)对父母和护理人员来说是非常具有挑战性的。患T1D (YC-T1D)的幼童的代谢和社会心理结果与父母应对这些挑战的能力密切相关。针对这些问题测试干预措施的研究很少,为卫生保健提供者提供针对这些父母的可行和有效的应对策略的资源也很少。以用户为中心的设计(UCD)是一种持续可访问的基于web的资源,可以通过为YC-T1D的父母提供信息、解决方案和情感支持,帮助他们更有效地应对他们所面临的复杂挑战。目的:本文的目的是:(1)描述UCD原则在开发基于网络的应对干预中的应用,该干预由患有T1D的非常小的儿童(小于6岁)的父母设计并为其设计; (2) illustrate the use of crowdsourcing methods in obtaining the perspectives of parents, health care providers, and Web development professionals in designing and creating this resource; and (3) summarize the design of an ongoing randomized controlled trial (RCT) that is evaluating the effects of parental access to this resource on pertinent child and parent outcomes. Methods: This paper illustrates the application of UCD principles to create a Web-based coping resource designed by and for parents of YC-T1D. A Web-based Parent Crowd, a Health Care Provider Crowd, and a Focus Group of minority parents provided input throughout the design process. A formal usability testing session and design webinars yielded additional stakeholder input to further refine the end product. Results: This paper describes the completed website and the ongoing RCT to evaluate the effects of using this Web-based resource on pertinent parent and child outcomes. Conclusions: UCD principles and the targeted application of crowdsourcing methods provided the foundation for the development, construction, and evaluation of a continuously accessible, archived, user-responsive coping resource designed by and for parents of YC-T1D. The process described here could be a template for the development of similar resources for other special populations that are enduring specific medical or psychosocial distress. The ongoing RCT is the final step in the UCD process and is designed to validate its merits. ", issn="2371-4379", doi="10.2196/diabetes.9926", url="http://diabetes.www.mybigtv.com/2018/4/e16/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/diabetes.9926", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30559089" }