%0杂志文章%@ 2562-0959 %I JMIR出版物%V 5% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 4% P e39167% T斑秃的疾病负担:加拿大患者和护理人员在线调查%A Gilding,Anthony Justin %A Ho,Nhung %A Pope,Elena %A Sibbald,Cathryn %+病童医院儿科皮肤科,555大学大道,主楼7号诊所,多伦多,ON, M5G 1X8,加拿大,1 416 813 7384,cathryn.sibbald@mail.utoronto.ca %K斑秃%K生活质量%K疾病负担%K脱发%K生活质量%K负担%K皮肤科%D 2022 %7 6.10.2022 %9原论文%J JMIR皮肤%G英文%X背景:斑秃(AA)与生活质量(QoL)的负面影响相关。加拿大患者及其护理人员缺乏这方面影响的数据。目的:本研究旨在了解加拿大AA患者及其照护者的负担。方法:我们对5-11岁、12-17岁和≥18岁的AA患者以及<18岁AA患儿的照顾者进行了4项在线调查。这些信息通过加拿大斑秃基金会(canaf)网站和加拿大各地的皮肤科医生传播。结果:共有115名成年患者(n=100, 87%,女性),14名儿科患者(n=13, 92.9%,女性)和15名护理人员在线完成了调查。大多数(n= 123,95%)患者对自己的外表感到不舒服或难为情。11名(78.6%)儿童患者和84名(73%)成人患者常用帽子、围巾和假发来伪装脱发。 Avoidance of social situations was reported by 8 (57.1%) pediatric and 75 (65.2%) adult patients. Constant worry about losing the achieved hair growth was a concern for 8 (57.1%) pediatric and 75 (65.2%) adult patients. On a scale of 1-5, the mean score of caregivers’ own feelings of sadness or depression about their child’s AA was 4.0 (SD 0.9) and of their feelings of guilt or helplessness was 4.2 (SD 1.2). The impact on the QoL was moderate for both children and adults. Based on the Adjustment Disorder New Module-20 (ADNM-20), 71 (61.7%) of 115 patients were at high risk of an adjustment disorder. Abnormal anxiety scores were recorded in 40 (34.8%) patients compared to abnormal depression scores in 20 (17.4%) patients. Conclusions: This study confirmed a significant burden of AA on Canadian patients’ and caregivers’ QoL. %R 10.2196/39167 %U https://derma.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e39167 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39167