I JMIR出版物在一个潜在的有害的,非循证的“健康”实践中的公众利益卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析:会阴日照%A Ottwell,Ryan %A Hartwell,Micah %A Beswick,Tracy %A Rogers,Taylor Calli %A Ivy,Heather %A Goodman,Marcus %A Vassar,Matt %+俄克拉荷马州立大学健康科学中心,74017西街1111号,美国塔尔萨市,1 918 582 1972,ryan.ottwell@okstate.edu %K普通皮肤病学%K会阴日光浴%K会阴晒黑%K皮肤肿瘤%K公共健康%K社交媒体%K信息流行病学%K公共利益%K推特%D 2021 %7 26.1.2021 %9原创论文%J JMIR Dermatol %G英文%X背景:会阴晒黑/晒黑是一种潜在的有害的但流行的新健康趋势,由病毒性社交媒体帖子、著名公众人物和随后的媒体报道培养。目的:我们的主要目的是评估公众对会阴日光浴/美黑的兴趣。方法:采用观察性研究设计,我们从谷歌趋势中提取术语“会阴晒黑”、“会阴晒黑”、“形而上学的梅根”和“乔什·布洛林”的数据;和推特(通过SproutSocial),在2019年11月1日至2019年12月31日期间举办“会阴晒黑”和“会阴晒黑”活动。UberSuggest被用来调查每月的搜索量和用户参与度。我们使用来自谷歌Trends和Twitter的数据构建自回归综合移动平均(ARIMA)模型,以预测公众对会阴日光浴和会阴日光浴的兴趣,如果社交媒体上的帖子从未出现过。接下来,我们用一个积分函数来计算“会阴晒黑”的累计增加量,即预测值与实际值之间的面积。使用Welch t检验,我们使用Twitter和谷歌Trends在社交媒体发布后1周、2周和4周期间的数据,比较了“会阴晒黑”和“会阴晒黑”的预测值和实际值,以确定随着时间的推移,数量的增加是否具有统计学意义。 Lastly, we monitored Google Trends for “perineum sunning” and “perineum tanning” through September 30, 2020, to capture trends during the summer months. Results: Before the Instagram post went viral, there was no search interest in perineum sunning. ARIMA modeling for perineum tanning forecasted no increase in searches (0.00) if the post had not gone viral, while actual interest conveyed a relative cumulative increase of 919.00% from the day the post went viral through December 31, 2020. The term “perineum sunning” was mentioned on average 804 (SD 766.1) times daily for this 7-day period, which was also significantly higher than predicted (P≤.03), totaling 5628 tweets for these 7 days. The increased volume of tweets and relative search interest from Google Trends remained significantly higher for both terms over the 1-, 2-, and 4-week intervals. User engagement showed that nearly 50% of people who searched for “perineum sunning” were likely to click a returned link for more information. Continued observance of search interest in perineum sunning demonstrated interest spikes in the summer months, June and July 2020. Conclusions: Google Trends and Twitter data demonstrated that one social media post claiming non–evidence-based health benefits of regular sun exposure—without the use of sunscreen—generated significant public interest. Medical journals, dermatologists, and other health care professionals are obligated to educate and correct public misperceptions about viral wellness trends such as perineum sunning. %R 10.2196/24124 %U http://derma.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e24124/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/24124