@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/22446,作者=“Al Tamime, Reham和Weber, Ingmar”,标题=“在COVID-19大流行期间跟踪广告曝光:公共谷歌广告数据集的开发”,期刊=“JMIR数据”,年=“2021”,月=“9”,日=“14”,卷=“2”,数=“1”,页=“e22446”,关键词=“COVID-19;冠状病毒;SARS-CoV-2;抢购;谷歌广告;数据;数据库;跟踪;研究;公共可用性; online behaviors", abstract="Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on economies, governments, businesses, and most importantly, people's health. To bring the spread of COVID-19 under control, strict lockdown measures have been implemented across the globe. These lockdown measures resulted in a spate of panic buying and increase in demand for hygiene products and other grocery items. Objective: In this paper, we describe a data set from Google Ads that looks at the presentation of ads to people while they browse the web during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are making the data set available to the research community. Methods: We started this ongoing data collection on March 28, 2020, leveraging Developer Tools' network requests to retrieve Google Ads data. We identified a list of items related and unrelated to panic buying. We then captured these items as targeting criteria under what people are actively researching or planning on Google Ads. Google Ads data has been filtered using additional targeting criteria such as country, gender, and parental status. Results: Since the inception of our collection, we have actively maintained and updated our repository on a monthly basis. In total, we have published over 4116 data points. This paper also presents basic statistics that reveal variations in Google Ads data across countries, gender, and parental status. Conclusions: We hope that this Google Ads data set can increase our understanding of ad exposure during the COVID-19 outbreak. In particular, this data set can lead to further studies that look at the relationship between exposure to ads, time spent web browsing, and health outcomes. ", doi="10.2196/22446", url="https://data.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e22446", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/22446" }