杂志文章@ 2561-1011 %I JMIR出版物健康素养敏感设计和卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析心脏年龄在心血管疾病预防决策辅助中的影响:随机对照试验和最终用户测试A Bonner,Carissa %A Batcup,Carys %A Ayre,Julie %A Cvejic,Erin %A Trevena,Lyndal %A McCaffery,Kirsten %A Doust,Jenny +悉尼大学医学与卫生学院公共卫生学院,爱德华福特大厦A27号128A室,2006年,澳大利亚悉尼,61 293517125,carissa.bonner@sydney.edu.au %K决策辅助%K共享决策%K风险沟通%K心脏年龄%K心血管疾病预防%K行为改变%K健康知识%D 2022 %7 15.4.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Cardio %G英文%X背景:共享决策是预防心血管疾病(CVD)的基本原则,无症状人群考虑终身用药和改变生活方式。目的:本研究旨在开发和评估第一个针对低健康素养人群开发的识字敏感的心血管疾病预防决策辅助(DA),并调查识字敏感设计和心脏年龄的影响。方法:根据国际标准制定标准DA。标准的DA是基于我们现有的全科医生DA。识字敏感的DA包括简单的语言、辅助图像、留白和生活方式行动计划。对照组的DA使用心脏基础材料。一项随机试验包括859名年龄在45-74岁之间的人,采用3 (DA:标准,识字率敏感,对照)×2(心脏年龄:心脏年龄+风险百分比,仅为风险百分比)因子设计,结果包括预防意图和行为、风险要领和逐字逐句知识、可信度、情绪反应和决策冲突。我们基于对20名具有不同健康素养水平的人的最终用户测试访谈,迭代改进了识字敏感版本。 Results: Immediately after the intervention (n=859), there were no differences in any outcome among the DA groups. The heart age group was less likely to have a positive emotional response, perceived the message as less credible, and had higher gist and verbatim knowledge of heart age risk but not percentage risk. After 4 weeks (n=596), the DA group had better gist knowledge of percentage risk than the control group. The literacy-sensitive DA group had higher fruit consumption, and the standard DA group had better verbatim knowledge of percentage risk. Verbatim knowledge was higher for heart age than for percentage risk among those who received both. Conclusions: The literacy-sensitive DA resulted in increased knowledge of CVD risk and increased fruit consumption in participants with varying health literacy levels and CVD risk results. Adding heart age did not increase lifestyle change intentions or behavior but did affect psychological outcomes, consistent with previous findings. This tool will be integrated with additional resources to improve other lifestyle outcomes. Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12620000806965; https://tinyurl.com/226yhk8a %M 35436208 %R 10.2196/34142 %U https://cardio.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e34142 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/34142 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35436208