@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 /有氧运动。8718,作者=“麦肯纳,丽贝卡A和罗洛,梅根E和斯金纳,Janelle A和Burrows,特雷西L”,标题=“食物成瘾支持:网站内容分析”,期刊=“JMIR Cardio”,年=“2018”,月=“四月”,天=“24”,卷=“2”,数=“1”,页=“e10”,关键词=“食物成瘾;自助小组;社会支持”,摘要=“背景:食物成瘾由来已久;然而,在过去的十年里,已出版的文献和公共媒体的关注有了实质性的增加。先前的研究表明,食物成瘾与超重和肥胖有重叠,后者有患心血管疾病的风险。这种不断增加的关注导致了许多成瘾饮食行为的支持选项的建立,但缺乏基于证据的支持选项。目的:本研究旨在评估在线可获得的食物成瘾支持选项的可用性和内容。方法:使用4个搜索引擎进行了标准化的Web搜索,以确定当前对食物成瘾的支持可用性。通过使用综合数据提取表,2名审稿人独立提取了与计划或干预特征和支持保真度相关的数据,包括基本原理、支持方式、提供的社会支持、计划或干预来源、成员数量以及计划或干预评估。 Results: Of the 800 records retrieved, 13 (1.6{\%}, 13/800) websites met the inclusion criteria. All 13 websites reported originating in the United States, and 1 website reported member numbers. The use of credentialed health professionals was reported by only 3 websites, and 5 websites charged a fee-for-service. The use of the 12 steps or traditions was evident in 11 websites, and 9 websites described the use of food plans. In total, 6 websites stated obligatory peer support, and 11 websites featured spirituality as a main theme of delivery. Moreover, 12 websites described phone meetings as the main program delivery modality, with 7 websites stating face-to-face delivery and 4 opting for online meetings. Newsletters (n=5), closed social media groups (n=5), and retreat programs (n=5) were the most popular forms of social support. Conclusions: This is the first review to analyze online support options for food addiction. Very few online support options include health professionals, and a strengthening argument is forming for an increase in support options for food addiction. This review forms part of this argument by showing a lack of evidence-based options. By reviewing current support availability, it can provide a guide toward the future development of evidence-based support for food addiction. ", issn="2561-1011", doi="10.2196/cardio.8718", url="http://cardio.www.mybigtv.com/2018/1/e10/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/cardio.8718", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31758778" }