TY -的盟Huberty詹妮弗盟——Puzia梅根AU -埃克特,瑞安非盟- Larkey,琳达PY - 2020 DA - 2020/2/10 TI -癌症患者”和幸存者的看法平静的应用:横断面描述性研究乔- JMIR癌症SP - e16926六世- 6 - 1 KW -癌症KW -癌症幸存者KW -正念KW -冥想KW -消费者行为KW -移动应用KW -健康KW -心理健康AB -背景:需要一些工具来减少癌症患者和幸存者的长期症状负担。补充策略,如冥想,可以伴随药物治疗来改善症状。虽然有针对性内容的支持项目覆盖面更广,依从性更高,影响更大,但目前还没有专门为癌症设计的基于消费者的冥想应用程序。目的:本研究旨在收集信息,为目前使用Calm应用程序的癌症患者和幸存者提供开发癌症特定冥想应用程序的便利样本。方法:通过Daily Calm Facebook页面招募成年癌症患者和幸存者(N=82)。参与者完成了一项基于网络的调查,涉及Calm应用程序的使用和满意度,对癌症特定的Calm应用程序的兴趣和想法,以及人口特征。开放式回答被归纳编码。结果:参与者年龄在18至72岁之间(平均48.60岁,标准差15.20),主要是女性(77/ 82,94%),白人(65/ 79,82%)和非西班牙裔(70/ 75,93%),每周至少使用5次Calm(49/ 82,60%)。尽管对当前Calm组件的满意度很高(在65/ 82,79%和51/ 82,63%之间),但只有49%(40/82)的参与者使用了他们认为对癌症相关症状和生存有特别帮助的指导冥想,40%(33/82)的参与者更喜欢与癌症相关的内容,以及针对癌症特定焦虑的指导冥想(例如,害怕复发;N =15)和应对强烈情绪(N =12)是最常见的建议。 A majority of participants (51/82, 62%) reported that they would be interested in becoming a member of a Calm cancer community (eg, in-app discussion boards: 41/46, 89%; and social media communities: 35/42, 83%). Almost half of the participants (37/82, 45%) reported that they would benefit from features that tracked symptoms in concurrence with app usage, but respondents were divided on whether this information should be shared with health care providers through the app (49/82, 60% would share). Conclusions: Responses suggest ways in which the current Calm app could be adapted to better fit cancer patients’ and survivors’ needs and preferences, including adding cancer-specific content, increasing the amount of content focusing on coping with strong emotions, developing communities for Calm users who are cancer patients and survivors, and including features that track cancer-related symptoms. Given differences in opinions about which features were desirable or would be useful, there is a clear need for future cancer-specific apps to be customizable (eg, ability to turn different features on or off). Although future research should address these topics in larger, more diverse samples, these data will serve as a starting point for the development of cancer-specific meditation apps and provide a framework for evaluating their effects. SN - 2369-1999 UR - http://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2020/1/e16926/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/16926 DO - 10.2196/16926 ID - info:doi/10.2196/16926 ER -