%0杂志文章%@ 2369-1999 %I JMIR出版物%V 8% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 3% P 38722% T改善患有血癌的父母的成年儿童照顾者的临床和家庭沟通:Bylund,Carma L . A Wollney,Easton N . A坎贝尔-莎乐美,Gemme N . A Applebaum,Allison J . A Paige,Samantha R . A DeGruccio,Kennan Weiss,Elisa Sae-Hau,Maria Arnold,Jason Durante,Domenic Amin,Tithi B . A Hampton,Chelsea N . A Fisher,Carla L %+佛罗里达大学健康结果和生物医学信息系,2004年,美国佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔莫里路,32610,1 352 627 9467,carma.bylund@ufl.edu %K护理人员%K临床医患沟通%K健康沟通实践%K电子健康知识普及%K家庭沟通%K可行性%K可接受性%K肿瘤%K血癌%K癌症专利%K网络信息查找%K健康信息%K临床沟通%K智能手机%K手机%D 2022 %7 5.7.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR癌症%G英语%X背景:患有癌症的父母的成年儿童照顾者在与患者和其他家庭成员沟通、临床互动中沟通以及浏览网络信息时可能会面临挑战。目的:我们为患有血癌的父母的成年儿童照顾者制定了健康沟通实践计划并进行了试点测试,该计划旨在帮助参与者学习和实施护理的核心沟通技能。我们评估了培训的可行性和可接受性。方法:符合条件的参与者完成项目前调查。我们评估了参与者在规定时间内完成干预的可行性。参与者有两周的时间来完成两部分,90分钟的在线项目,并完成项目后调查,包括项目评估项目和干预措施的可接受性(AIM),使用1-5评分量表(5=强烈同意)。结果:在50名最初表示感兴趣的护理人员中,34人同意,30人完成了该计划和两项调查(完成率为88%)。 Caregivers had a mean age of 45.07 (SD 11.96) years and provided care for parents who had a mean age of 73.31 (SD 9.38) years. Caregivers were primarily daughters (n=22, 73%). Overall, scores on the AIM scale were high (mean 4.48, SD 0.67). Specifically, caregivers felt the content met their communication needs (mean 4.58, SD 0.62) and their own needs as a caregiver of a parent with a blood cancer (mean 4.39, SD 0.72). Conclusions: We demonstrated the feasibility and acceptability of the Healthy Communication Practice program, which aims to enhance family and clinical communication skills among caregivers of a parent with a blood cancer. Future studies will examine the efficacy of the program and its impact on both caregiver and patient communication and health outcomes. %M 35788019 %R 10.2196/38722 %U https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e38722 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38722 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35788019