%0期刊文章%@ 2369-1999 %I JMIR出版物%V 8% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 2% P e37093 %T荷兰癌症护理干预措施:使用三目标镜头的系统评价%A van Deursen,Liza %A Versluis,Anke %A van der Vaart,Rosalie %A Standaar,Lucille %A Struijs,Jeroen %A Chavannes,Niels %A Aardoom,Jiska J %+国家公共卫生和环境研究所营养、预防和健康服务中心护理质量和卫生经济部门,Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, Bilthoven, MA,荷兰,31 30274 9111,liza.van.deursen@rivm.nl %K癌症%K电子健康%K数字护理%K三重目标%K人口健康%K护理质量%K费用%K系统综述%K心理社会%K干预%K手机%D 2022 %7 14.6.2022 %9综述%J JMIR癌症%G英语%X背景:在全球范围内,癌症对人口健康的负担正在增长。最近的趋势,如提高生存率,导致需要调整癌症护理,以确保良好的护理体验和可控的支出。电子保健是提高癌症护理质量和支持患者和幸存者的一种有前途的方式。目的:本系统综述的目的有两个方面。首先,我们旨在为荷兰癌症患者和幸存者提供电子健康干预措施及其特点的概述。其次,我们旨在提供关于癌症护理中电子卫生干预对人口健康、护理质量和人均成本(三重目标领域)影响的经验证据的概述。方法:对Web of Science、PubMed、Cochrane和Ovid psyinfo电子数据库进行搜索,使用3个关键搜索主题:eHealth干预、癌症护理和荷兰。根据描述干预特征(如类型、功能和目标人群)的预定标准对确定的干预措施进行分类。 Their impact was subsequently examined using the Triple Aim framework. Results: A total of 38 interventions were identified. Most of these were web portals or web applications functioning to inform and self-manage, and target psychosocial factors or problems. Few interventions have been tailored to age, disease severity, or gender. The results of this study indicate that eHealth interventions could positively affect sleep quality, fatigue, and physical activity of patients with and survivors of cancer. Inconclusive results were found regarding daily functioning and quality of life, psychological complaints, and psychological adjustment to the disease. Conclusions: eHealth can improve outcomes in the Triple Aim domains, particularly in the population health and quality of care domains. Cancer-related pain and common symptoms of active treatment were not targeted in the included interventions and should receive more attention. Further research is needed to fully understand the impact of eHealth interventions in cancer care on participation, accessibility, and costs. The latter can be examined in economic evaluations by comparing eHealth interventions with care as usual. %M 35699991 %R 10.2196/37093 %U https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e37093 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/37093 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35699991