%0期刊文章%@ 2369-1999 %I JMIR出版物%V 8% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 1% P e33355% T晚期癌症患者使用远程医疗方法的程度:系统回顾A Goodman,William Bagnall,Anne-Marie Ashley,Laura Azizoddin,Desiree Muehlensiepen,Felix Blum,David Bennett,Michael Allsop,Matthew +利兹大学利兹健康科学研究所,利兹市Clarendon路伍德豪斯沃斯利楼,英国,LS2 9LU,利兹,44 1133434185,m.j.allsop@leeds.ac.uk %K系统回顾%K晚期癌症%K参与%K数字健康%K远程健康%K手机%D 2022 %7 17.2.2022 %9回顾%J JMIR癌症%G英语%X背景:远程健康方法越来越多地用于支持晚期疾病患者,包括癌症患者。有证据表明,远程医疗对大多数患者来说是可以接受的;然而,影响患者参与的程度和因素尚不清楚。目的:本综述的目的是描述国际文献中报道的晚期不可治愈癌症患者参与远程医疗干预的程度。方法:本系统评价在PROSPERO(国际前瞻性系统评价注册)注册,并按照PRISMA(系统评价和荟萃分析首选报告项目)2020指南进行报告。对远程医疗干预(晚期癌症患者通过远程医疗技术与其医疗专业人员之间的通信)的数据库进行了全面搜索,包括MEDLINE、Embase、CINAHL、PsycINFO、Cochrane图书馆、社会学文摘和Web of Science,从每个电子数据库建立之初到2020年12月31日。进行了叙事综合,概述了研究的设计、人群和背景。数字参与的概念框架包括定量行为测量(频率、数量、持续时间和使用深度),构成了远程医疗方法参与的分析框架。 Frequency data were transformed to a percentage (actual patient engagement as a proportion of intended engagement), and the interventions were characterized by intensity (high, medium, and low intended engagement) and mode of delivery for standardized comparisons across studies. Results: Of the 19,676 identified papers, 40 (0.2%) papers covering 39 different studies were eligible for inclusion, dominated by US studies (22/39, 56%), with most being research studies (26/39, 67%). The most commonly reported measure of engagement was frequency (36/39, 92%), with substantial heterogeneity in the way in which it was measured. A standardized percentage of actual patient engagement was derived from 17 studies (17/39, 44%; n=1255), ranging from 51% to 100% with a weighted average of 75.4% (SD 15.8%). A directly proportional relationship was found between intervention intensity and actual patient engagement. Higher engagement occurred when a tablet, computer, or smartphone app was the mode of delivery. Conclusions: Understanding engagement for people with advanced cancer can guide the development of telehealth approaches from their design to monitoring as part of routine care. With increasing telehealth use, the development of meaningful and context- and condition-appropriate measures of telehealth engagement is needed to address the current heterogeneity in reporting while improving the understanding of optimal implementation of telehealth for oncology and palliative care. Trial Registration: PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews) CRD42018117232; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42018117232 %M 35175205 %R 10.2196/33355 %U https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e33355 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33355 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35175205