0期刊文章@ 2369-1999 I JMIR出版物V 7% N 4%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 P e25464%乳腺癌和前列腺癌幸存者基于互联网的混合体育活动试验的参与者和非参与者的特征:横断面研究%A vd Wiel,Hester J %A Stuiver,Martijn M %A May,Anne M %A van Grinsven,Susan Benink,Marlou F %A Aaronson,Neil K %A Oldenburg,Hester S A %A van der Poel,Henk G %A van Harten,Wim H %A Groen,Wim G %+社会心理研究和流行病学部门,荷兰癌症研究所,Plesmanlaan 121,荷兰阿姆斯特丹,31 0205129111,w.v.harten@nki.nl %K网络干预%K体育活动%K非参与者%K乳腺癌幸存者%K前列腺癌幸存者%K随机对照试验%D 2021 %7 5.10.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR癌症%G英语%X背景:随着癌症幸存者人数的增加,能够提供有效且合理可及的锻炼和体育活动(PA)促进干预是很重要的。基于互联网的干预措施通常比现场监督干预措施更便宜、更容易获得。目前,对于癌症生存环境中PA促进试验的非参与者的特征知之甚少,无论是一般的还是在使用互联网支持的干预措施的试验中。目的:本研究旨在深入了解不参与促进PA的混合互联网支持干预试验的相关特征。方法:初次治愈治疗后3-36个月的乳腺癌和前列腺癌幸存者被邀请参加PABLO试验;这项试验比较了基于互联网的干预来提高PA水平,有或没有物理治疗师的额外支持,与常规护理。参与者和非参与者被要求完成一份综合问卷,评估社会人口学、疲劳和健康相关的生活质量。使用独立的学生t检验和卡方检验比较参与者和非参与者的基线数据。 Results: The inclusion rate in the trial was 11.03% (137/1242). Of the nonparticipants, 13.95% (154/1104) completed the questionnaire. Participants were more highly educated (P=.04), had a paid job less often (P=.03), and were on sick leave more often (P=.03). They reported less PA per week, both moderate (P=.03) and vigorous (P<.01), before diagnosis and during leisure time (P<.01, effect size [ES]=0.44). They reported a significantly lower stage of change (P≤.01), lower self-efficacy (P<.01, ES=0.61), perceived barriers to PA (P<.01, ES=0.54), and more general fatigue (P<.01, ES=0.60). Participants reported lower health-related quality of life for most domains (ES ranging from 0.34 for mental health to 0.48 for social functioning). No significant differences were found for other sociodemographics, mood state, or attitudes toward or perceived social support for PA. Conclusions: The participants who self-selected for trial participation reported lower PA levels before diagnosis and a stronger need for support compared with nonparticipants. The trial thus included those patients who might benefit the most from internet-based supportive PA interventions. Trial Registration: Netherlands trial register NTR6911; https://www.trialregister.nl/trial/6733 %M 34609311 %R 10.2196/25464 %U https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e25464 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/25464 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34609311