杂志文章@ 2369-1999 I JMIR出版物V 4% N 2% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析P e10676 %T探索最可见的黑素瘤免疫治疗的德国网站:基于web的分析%A Brütting,Julia %A Steeb,Theresa %A Reinhardt,Lydia %A Berking,Carola %A Meier,Friedegund %+皮肤病学,德累斯顿大学医院和医学院卡尔·古斯塔夫·卡鲁斯,德累斯顿技术大学,Fetscherstraße 74,德累斯顿,01307,德国,49 176 207 896 27,julia.bruetting@uniklinikum-dresden.de %K黑色素瘤%K免疫治疗%K互联网%K患者教育%K质量%K可读性%K网站%K可靠性%K信息%D 2018 %7 13.12.2018 %9原始论文%J JMIR癌症%G英文%X背景:被诊断为黑色素瘤的患者经常在互联网上搜索治疗信息,包括新颖和复杂的免疫治疗。然而,在一半的德国人口中,健康知识普及程度有限,迄今为止还没有对黑色素瘤治疗的网站进行评估。目的:本研究的目的是确定和评估最常见的德语黑素瘤免疫治疗网站。方法:根据癌症患者常见的网络信息搜索行为,2017年7月,在谷歌、雅虎和必应上搜索德语同义词“黑色素瘤”和“免疫疗法”的组合前20个搜索结果。符合我们预先定义的资格标准的网站将被考虑进行评估。三位审稿人通过使用已建立的DISCERN工具和检查质量认证的存在来独立地评估他们的质量。使用LIDA工具评估可用性和可靠性,使用患者教育资料评估工具(PEMAT)评估可理解性。通过计算Flesch Reading Ease Score (FRES)来评估可读性。 The ALEXA and SISTRIX tools were used to investigate the websites’ popularity and visibility. The interrater agreement was determined by calculating Cronbach alpha. Subgroup differences were identified by t test, U test, or one-way analysis of variance. Results: Of 480 hits, 45 single websites from 30 domains were assessed. Only 2 website domains displayed a German quality certification. The average assessment scores, mean (SD), were as follows: DISCERN, 48 (7.6); LIDA (usability), 40 (2.0); LIDA (reliability), 10 (1.6); PEMAT, 69% (16%); and FRES, 17 (14), indicating mediocre quality, good usability, and understandability but low reliability and an even very low readability of the included individual websites. SISTRIX scores ranged from 0 to 6872 and ALEXA scores ranged from 17 to 192,675, indicating heterogeneity of the visibility and popularity of German website domains providing information on melanoma immunotherapy. Conclusions: Optimization of the most accessible German websites on melanoma immunotherapy is desirable. Especially, simplification of the readability of information and further adaption to reliability criteria are required to support the education of patients with melanoma and laypersons, and to enhance transparency. %M 30545808 %R 10.2196/10676 %U https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2018/2/e10676/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/10676 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30545808