@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/34392,作者="Shah, Sumit K和McElfish, Pearl A",标题="COVID-19大流行期间的癌症筛查建议:范围审查",期刊="JMIR癌症",年="2022",月="2月",日="24",卷="8",数="1",页数="e34392",关键词="COVID-19;癌症预防和早期发现;癌症筛查;乳腺癌筛查;子宫颈癌普查;背景:建议通过癌症筛查检测早期癌前病变和癌性病变来预防癌症相关的死亡。COVID-19大流行中断了预防性卫生保健服务的使用。虽然从2020年底开始,癌症筛查试验的数量有所增加,但筛查率仍比大流行前时期低29%至36%。目的:本综述的目的是协助卫生保健提供者在COVID-19大流行的不确定性期间确定优先考虑患者和增加乳腺癌、宫颈癌和结直肠癌筛查的方法。方法:我们使用范围审查框架来识别PubMed和EBSCO数据库上的文章。 A total of 403 articles were identified, and 23 articles were selected for this review. The literature review ranged from January 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021. Results: The articles included two primary categories of recommendations: (1) risk stratification and triage to prioritize screenings and (2) alternative methods to conduct cancer screenings. Risk stratification and triage recommendations focused on prioritizing high-risk patients with an abnormal or suspicious result on the previous screening test, patients in certain age groups and sex, patients with a personal medical or family cancer history, patients that are currently symptomatic, and patients that are predisposed to hereditary cancers and cancer-causing mutations. Other recommended strategies included identifying areas facing the most disparities, creating algorithms and using artificial intelligence to create cancer risk scores, leveraging in-person visits to assess cancer risk, and providing the option of open access screenings where patients can schedule screenings and can be assigned a priority category by health care staff. Some recommended using telemedicine to categorize patients and determine screening eligibility for patients with new complaints. Several articles noted the importance of implementing preventive measures such as COVID-19 screening prior to the procedures, maintaining hygiene measures, and social distancing in waiting rooms. Alternative screening methods that do not require an in-person clinic visit and can effectively screen patients for cancers included mailing self-collection sampling kits for cervical and colorectal cancers, and implementing or expanding mobile screening units. Conclusions: Although the COVID-19 pandemic had devastating effects on population health globally, it could be an opportunity to adapt and evolve cancer screening methods. Disruption often creates innovation, and focus on alternative methods for cancer screenings may help reach rural and underresourced areas after the pandemic has ended. ", issn="2369-1999", doi="10.2196/34392", url="https://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e34392", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/34392", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35142621" }