@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/12536,作者=“Lognos, B{\'e}atrice and Carbonnel, Fran{\c{}ois and Boulze Launay, Isabelle and Bringay, Sandra and Guerdoux-Ninot, Estelle and Mollevi, Caroline and Senesse, Pierre and Ninot, Gregory”,标题=“乳腺癌患者的补充和替代医学:社交网络论坛数据的探索性研究”,期刊=“JMIR癌症”,年份=“2019”,月份=“11月”,日=“27”,卷=“5”,数=“2”,页数=“e12536”,关键词=“补充与替代医学(CAM);非药物干预措施;癌症;社交网络;论坛;背景:患者和卫生保健专业人员越来越专注于补充和替代医学(CAM),也可以称为非药物干预(npi)。在短短几年时间里,这种支持性护理已经从旨在提高生活质量的解决方案转变为旨在减轻症状、补充肿瘤治疗和防止复发的解决方案。数字社交网络是传播这些患者并不总是向医生披露的做法的主要媒介。探索乳腺癌患者在社交网络上的交流内容,有助于更好地确定这些实践的程度和多样性。 Objective: This study aimed to explore the interest of patients with breast cancer in CAM from posts published in health forums and French-language social media groups. Methods: The retrospective study was based on a French database of 2 forums and 4 Facebook groups between June 3, 2006, and November 17, 2015. The extracted, anonymized, and compiled data (264,249 posts) were analyzed according to the occurrences associated with the NPI categories and NPI subcategories, their synonyms, and their related terms. Results: The results showed that patients with breast cancer use mainly physical (37.6{\%}) and nutritional (31.3{\%}) interventions. Herbal medicine is a subcategory that was cited frequently. However, the patients did not mention digital interventions. Conclusions: This exploratory study of the main French forums and discussion groups indicates a significant interest in CAM during and after treatments for breast cancer, with primarily physical and nutritional interventions complementing approved treatments. This study highlights the importance of accurate information (vs fake medicine), prescription and monitoring of these interventions, and the mediating role that health professionals must play in this regard. ", issn="2369-1999", doi="10.2196/12536", url="http://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2019/2/e12536/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/12536", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31774404" }