@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 /癌症。7443,作者=“Groen, Wim G and Kuijpers, Wilma and Oldenburg, Hester SA and Wouters, Michel WJM and Aaronson, Neil K and van Harten, Wim H”,标题=“支持肺癌患者的交互式患者门户:可行性研究”,期刊=“JMIR Cancer”,年=“2017”,月=“Aug”,日=“08”,卷=“3”,数=“2”,页=“e10”,关键词=“非小细胞肺癌;病人权利;病人门户;支持性护理;电子健康;背景:MyAVL是一个面向癌症患者的互动门户网站,旨在为肺癌患者提供支持。目的:我们旨在评估患者门户的可行性和可用性,并就其影响产生初步证据。方法:目前或近期有治疗目的的肺癌患者可使用MyAVL 4个月。通过问卷调查、焦点小组和用户日志数据分析,研究了可行性、可用性和初步影响(即患者激活、生活质量和身体活动)。 Results: We included 37 of 123 eligible patients (mean age 59.6 years). The majority of responses (82{\%}) were positive about using MyAVL, 69{\%} saw it as a valuable addition to care, and 56{\%} perceived increased control over their health. No positive effects could be substantiated on the impact measures. Conclusions: MyAVL appears to be a feasible and user-friendly, multifunctional eHealth program for a selected group of lung cancer patients. However, it needs further improvements to positively impact patient outcomes. ", issn="2369-1999", doi="10.2196/cancer.7443", url="http://cancer.www.mybigtv.com/2017/2/e10/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/cancer.7443", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28790025" }