一种基于混合现实的协同机器人控制新框架卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析发展研究%A Shahria,Md Tanzil %A Sunny,Md Samiul Haque %A Zarif,Md Ishrak Islam %A Khan,Md Mahafuzur Rahaman %A Modi,Preet Parag %A Ahamed,Sheikh Iqbal %A Rahman,Mohammad H %+威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校计算机科学系,密尔沃基,威斯康星州,53211,美国,14147376701,mshahria@uwm.edu机器人框架混合现实协作机器人Unity Windows混合现实Azure混合现实服务HoloLens背景:通过在不同领域创造新的可能性,机器人在日常生活中的应用变得越来越重要,尤其是在协作环境中。协作机器人的潜力是巨大的,因为它们可以和人类在同一个工作空间工作。采用顶尖技术的协作机器人框架肯定值得进一步研究。目的:本研究旨在提出一种基于混合现实的新型协作机器人框架。方法:框架采用Unity和Unity Hub作为跨平台游戏引擎和项目管理工具,设计混合现实界面和数字孪生。它还使用Windows混合现实平台在全息显示器上显示数字材料,并使用Azure混合现实服务来捕获和暴露数字信息。最终,它使用全息设备(HoloLens 2)来执行基于混合现实的协作系统。结果:通过实验验证了基于混合现实的协作机器人控制的新框架。 This framework was successfully applied to implement a collaborative system using a 5–degree of freedom robot (xArm-5) in a mixed reality environment. The framework was stable and worked smoothly throughout the collaborative session. Due to the distributed nature of cloud applications, there is a negligible latency between giving a command and the execution of the physical collaborative robot. Conclusions: Opportunities for collaborative robots in telerehabilitation and teleoperation are vital as in any other field. The proposed framework was successfully applied in a collaborative session, and it can also be applied in other similar potential applications for robust and more promising performance. %R 10.2196/36734 %U https://biomedeng.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e36734 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36734