TY -的盟Maruster劳拉AU -范德Zee Durk-Jouke盟——Buskens Erik PY - 2021 DA - 2021/10/6 TI -识别用户和频繁的医疗保健消费模式:紧急医疗服务的过程挖掘数据乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e27499六世- 23 - 10 KW -流程挖掘KW -频繁用户KW -医院护理KW -急救KW -区域保健网络KW -老年KW -荷兰AB -背景:追踪卫生保健服务的经常使用者与政策制定者和临床医生高度相关,使他们能够避免浪费稀缺资源。由于患者隐私、竞争、不兼容的信息系统以及所涉及的工作,从所有可能的医疗保健提供者收集频繁用户的数据可能很麻烦。目的:本研究探索利用急诊医疗服务(EMS)记录这一单一关键来源,追踪和揭示频繁用户的医疗保健消费模式。方法:对2012年至2017年荷兰德伦特省的EMS呼叫进行回顾性研究。过程挖掘应用于识别患者路径的结构(即,他们连续访问医院、疗养院和EMS)。路由用于识别和量化频繁用户,将体弱的老年用户识别为焦点组。在患者和群体层面分析了这些路线的结构,旨在深入了解区域协调问题和卫生保健提供者之间的工作量分配。结果:70岁或以上的体弱老年用户占经常用户的50%以上,每年拨打4次或以上电话。在观察期间,他们每年的次数和通话次数分别从395次增加到628次和2607次增加到3615次。 Structural analysis based on process mining revealed two categories of frail elderly users: low-complexity patients who need dialysis, radiation therapy, or hyperbaric medicine, involving a few health care providers, and high-complexity patients for whom routings appear chaotic. Conclusions: This efficient approach exploits the role of EMS as the unique regional “ferryman,” while the combined use of EMS data and process mining allows for the effective and efficient tracing of frequent users’ utilization of health care services. The approach informs regional policymakers and clinicians by quantifying and detailing frequent user consumption patterns to support subsequent policy adaptations. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2021/10/e27499 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/27499 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34612834 DO - 10.2196/27499 ID - info:doi/10.2196/27499 ER -