TY - JOUR AU - Saadatzi, Mohammad Nasser AU - Logsdon, M Cynthia AU - Abubakar, Shamsudeen AU - Das, Sumit AU - Jankoski, Penelope AU - Mitchell, Heather AU - Chlebowy, Diane AU - Popa, Dan O PY - 2020 DA - 20/11/12 TI -在卫生保健环境中使用机器人护理助理的可接受性:实验初步研究乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e17509六世- 22 - 11 KW -机器人协助医疗KW -机器人护士助理KW -技术接受模型KW -用户可接受性KW -病人行走AB -背景:据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics),护士将最大的劳动力在美国,到2022年,超过110万个护理岗位必须由然后为了避免护理短缺。此外,与其他职业相比,护士的肌肉骨骼疾病发病率高于平均水平。机器人辅助医疗有可能通过自动化日常的护理任务来缓解护理短缺。此外,医疗环境中的机器人可以帮助患者安全移动和处理,从而降低肌肉骨骼疾病的可能性。目的:本试点研究调查由护理专业学生(作为卫生保健环境中护理人员的代表)确定的定制服务机器人的感知易用性和感知有用性(可接受性)。这种服务机器人被称为自适应机器人护士助理(ARNA),旨在通过在体力任务(如病人走路、取物品、送物品)和非体力任务(如病人观察和反馈)中进行合作来提高护士的工作效率。这项初步研究评估了ARNA为患者提供门诊辅助的可接受性。方法:我们对24名参与者进行了一项试验,以收集数据并解决以下研究问题:护士是否可以接受ARNA作为患者的门诊辅助设备?实验是在模拟的医院环境中进行的。 Nursing students (as proxies for nursing staff) were grouped in dyads, with one participant serving as a nurse and the other acting as a patient. Two questionnaires were developed and administrated to the participants based on the Technology Acceptance Model with respect to the two subscales of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use metrics. In order to evaluate the internal consistency/reliability of the questionnaires, we calculated Cronbach alpha coefficients. Furthermore, statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate the relation of each variable in the questionnaires with the overall perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use metrics. Results: Both Cronbach alpha values were acceptably high (.93 and .82 for perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use questionnaires, respectively), indicating high internal consistency of the questionnaires. The correlation between the variables and the overall perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use metrics was moderate. The average perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use metrics among the participants were 4.13 and 5.42, respectively, out of possible score of 7, indicating a higher-than-average acceptability of this service robot. Conclusions: The results served to identify factors that could affect nurses’ acceptance of ARNA and aspects needing improvement (eg, flexibility, ease of operation, and autonomy level). SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/11/e17509/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/17509 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33180024 DO - 10.2196/17509 ID - info:doi/10.2196/17509 ER -