杂志文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版物%V 24% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 9% P e39800% T针对老年2型糖尿病患者的网络传递、临床医生主导的团体运动干预:单臂前事后干预A Kirwan,Morwenna,Christine L %A Laing,Thomas A Chowdhury,Noureen A Gwynne,Kylie +医学、健康和人类科学学院,麦考瑞大学,澳大利亚麦考瑞公园塔拉维拉路75号,61 0428999072,morwenna.kirwan@mq.edu.au %K运动%K健身%K糖尿病%K体育活动%K糖尿病%K功能性健身%K社区%K老年人%K视频会议%K在线%K网络%K老年人%K平衡%K运动%K基于互联网%K电子健康%K数字健康%K体重%K患者教育%K翻译%D 2022 %7 23.9.2022 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:COVID-19大流行使卫生项目和服务的提供方式发生了前所未有的变化。澳大利亚于2020年3月实施了全国封锁,以防止COVID-19的传播。这次封锁包括关闭运动诊所、健身中心和其他社区空间,在大流行之前,这些地方被用来提供Beat It服务。Beat It是一个为期8周的面对面的、以社区为基础的、由临床医生领导的团体锻炼和教育计划,用于成年人自我管理糖尿病。为了继续提供Beat It,它从一个面对面的计划改编为一个完全基于网络的监督的2型糖尿病(T2DM)成人团体锻炼计划。目的:本研究旨在评估在改善老年2型糖尿病患者的身体素质(肌肉力量和力量、有氧耐力、平衡和灵活性)和腰围方面,在线Beat It项目是否与面对面Beat It项目产生了类似的健康结果。方法:纳入年龄≥60岁的澳大利亚T2DM患者。 They were enrolled in Beat It Online, a twice-weekly supervised group exercise and education program conducted via videoconference over 8 weeks. Anthropometric measurements and physical fitness parameters were assessed at baseline and completion. The adaptations to Beat It are reported using the Model for Adaptation, Design, and Impact, including the type of changes (what, where, when, and for whom), the criteria for making those changes (why and how), and the intended and unintended outcomes. The intended outcomes were comparable functional fitness as well as physical and mental health improvements across demographics and socioeconomic status. Results: A total of 171 adults (mean 71, SD 5.6 years; n=54, 31.6% male) with T2DM were included in the study, with 40.4% (n=69) residing in lower socioeconomic areas. On the completion of the 8-week program, significant improvements in waist circumference, aerobic capacity, muscular strength, flexibility, and balance were observed in both male and female participants (all P<.001). The Model for Adaptation, Design, and Impact reports on 9 clinical, practical, and technical aspects of Beat It that were adapted for web-based delivery. Conclusions: This study found that Beat It Online was just as effective as the in-person program. This adapted program produced comparable health benefits across demographics and socioeconomic status. This study offers important findings for practitioners and policy makers seeking to maintain independence of older people with T2DM, reversing frailty and maximizing functional and physical fitness, while improving overall quality of life. Beat It Online offers a flexible and inclusive solution with significant physical and mental health benefits to individuals. Further evaluation of Beat It (both in-person and Online) adapted for culturally and linguistically diverse communities will provide greater insights into the efficacy of this promising program. %M 36149745 %R 10.2196/39800 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/9/e39800 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39800 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36149745