%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 24%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 1% P e22122 %T优化医学研究文章的简单语言摘要的可读性和格式:横断面调查研究%A Martínez Silvagnoli,Leia %A Shepherd,Caroline %A Pritchett,James %A Gardner,Jason %+ CMC Connect, McCann Health Medical Communications, Complete House, 19-21 King Edward Street, Macclesfield, SK10 1AQ, uk, 44 1625 62 4000,Caroline.Shepherd@connect-cmc.com %K生物医学研究%K健康知识%K多发性硬化症%K通俗语言摘要%K银屑病%K类风湿性关节炎%D 2022 %7 11.1.2022 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:通俗语言摘要(PLSs)旨在为读者提供一个清晰的、非技术的、易于理解的医学和科学文献概述;然而,观众对特定PLS格式的偏好还有待充分探索。目的:本研究旨在通过对不同年龄段受众的网络调查,评估不同疾病状态的医学研究文章的PLSs的首选可读性水平和格式。方法:在2016年5月至2018年5月期间发表在顶级同行评审期刊上的III期临床试验的文章被确定为代表一系列成年患者年龄组的3种慢性疾病状态:(1)牛皮癣,一种代表年轻患者的皮肤病;(2)多发性硬化症(MS),一种具有代表性的中年神经系统疾病;(3)类风湿关节炎(RA),一种老年患者的疼痛关节疾病。每篇研究文章开发了4个pls,其中3个是纯文本摘要(以高、中、低复杂度编写),1个是信息图表。为了评估4种PLS格式中的每一种,一项20个问题的公开调查(针对3种疾病中的一种)被发送给通过英国患者协会网站、Twitter和Facebook患者群体选择的代表性样本。 A weighted-average calculation was applied to respondents’ ranked preferences for each PLS format. Results: For all 3 articles, the weighted-average preference scores showed that infographic (psoriasis 2.91, MS 2.71, and RA 2.78) and medium-complexity text-based PLS (reading age 14-17 years, US Grade 9-11; psoriasis 2.90; MS 2.47; RA 2.77) were the two most preferred PLS formats. Conclusions: Audience preferences should be accounted for when preparing PLSs to accompany peer-reviewed original research articles. Oversimplified text can be viewed negatively, and graphical summaries or medium-complexity text-based summaries appear to be the most popular. Plain Language Summary: Patients and caregivers should have the chance to read about medical research in a format they can understand. However, we do not know much about the formats that people with different illnesses or ages prefer. Researchers wanted to find out more about this. They selected 3 medical articles about illnesses that affect different age groups: psoriasis (younger patients), multiple sclerosis (middle-aged patients), and rheumatoid arthritis (older patients). They created 4 summaries of each article. One was a graphical summary, and the other 3 were words-only summaries of high, medium, and low complexity. Then, the researchers posted surveys on UK patient group websites and Facebook patient groups to ask people what they thought of the summaries. The surveys were taken by 167 people. These people were patients with psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis, or their caregivers. Most were women, and about half had a university degree. For each illness, most people preferred the graphical summary. Among the word-only summaries, most people preferred the medium-complexity wording written for a reading age of 14 to 17 years. People felt that the graphical and medium-complexity summaries were clear and concise, while the others used jargon or were too simple. Authors of medical articles should remember these results when writing summaries for patients. More research is needed about the preferences of other people, such as those with other illnesses. (See Multimedia Appendix 1 for the graphical summary of the plain language summary.) %M 35014966 %R 10.2196/22122 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e22122 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/22122 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35014966