%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 23%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 12% P e22672 %T支持多种慢性疾病自我管理的数字平台(ProACT):在为期一年的概念验证试验中与订婚相关的发现% a Doyle,Julie Murphy,Emma Gavin,Shane Pascale,Alessandra Deparis,Stéphane Tommasi,Pierpaolo Smith,Suzanne Hannigan,Caoimhe, Sillevis Smitt,Myriam van Leeuwen,Cora Lastra,Julia Galvin,Mary McAleer,Patricia Tompkins,Lorraine Jacobs,An Marques,Marta Medina Maestro,Jaime Boyle,Gordon Dinsmore,John + NetwellCASALA,邓多克理工学院,都柏林路,邓多克,A91 K584,爱尔兰,353 429370497,julie.doyle@dkit.ie %K数字健康%K老龄化%K多病%K慢性病%K自我管理%K综合护理%K纵向研究%K参与%K可用性%K手机%D 2021 %7 15.12.2021 %9原始论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英语%X背景:全球人口老龄化,导致慢性病发病率上升。数字健康平台旨在支持慢性病患者在家自我管理,提供了一种有前景的解决方案,帮助人们监测自己的状况和生活方式,保持良好的健康,并减少不定期的临床就诊。然而,尽管多种疾病或多种慢性疾病的患病率很高,大多数平台倾向于专注于单一疾病。另一个挑战是,尽管用户积极参与此类系统很重要,但很少有研究探讨用户粘性。目的:本研究的目的是设计和开发一个数字健康平台ProACT,以促进老年人在其护理网络的支持下自我管理多种疾病,并通过12个月的试验评估最终用户的参与和该平台的体验。方法:建立ProACT数字健康平台。该平台在爱尔兰和比利时120名患有多种疾病的老年人中进行了为期一年的概念验证行动研究试验。除了这项技术,参与者还可以获得临床分诊服务,以响应症状警报和技术帮助台。 Interactions with the platform during the trial were logged to determine engagement. Semistructured interviews were conducted with participants and analyzed using inductive thematic analysis, whereas usability and user burden were examined using validated questionnaires. Results: This paper presents the ProACT platform and its components, along with findings on engagement with the platform and its usability. Of the 120 participants who participated, 24 (20%) withdrew before the end of the study, whereas 3 (2.5%) died. The remaining 93 participants actively used the platform until the end of the trial, on average, taking 2 or 3 health readings daily over the course of the trial in Ireland and Belgium, respectively. The participants reported ProACT to be usable and of low burden. Findings from interviews revealed that participants experienced multiple benefits as a result of using ProACT, including improved self-management, health, and well-being and support from the triage service. For those who withdrew, barriers to engagement were poor health and frustration when technology, in particular sensing devices, did not work as expected. Conclusions: This is the first study to present findings from a longitudinal study of older adults using digital health technology to self-manage multimorbidity. Our findings show that older adults sustained engagement with the technology and found it usable. Potential reasons for these results include a strong focus on user-centered design and engagement throughout the project lifecycle, resulting in a platform that meets user needs, as well as the integration of behavior change techniques and personal analytics into the platform. The provision of triage and technical support services alongside the platform during the trial were also important facilitators of engagement. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/22125 %M 34914612 %R 10.2196/22672 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/12/e22672 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/22672 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34914612