@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/35058,作者="Chua, Wei Ling和Ooi, Sim Leng和Chan, Gene Wai Han和Lau, Tang Ching和Liaw, Sok Ying",标题="在临床实践中使用虚拟患者远程模拟对脓毒症团队护理的影响:混合方法研究",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2022",月="Apr",日="18",卷="24",数="4",页数="e35058",关键词="脓毒症;interprofessional教育;团队培训;nurse-physician沟通;模拟;背景:提高专业间的沟通和协作对于促进脓毒症患者的早期识别和治疗是必要的。为本科医学和护理学生准备评估、升级和管理败血症患者所需的知识和技能对他们进入临床实践至关重要。然而,COVID-19大流行和社会距离措施产生了交互式远程学习的需求,以支持协作学习。目的:本研究旨在评估脓毒症跨专业教育对医护生脓毒症知识、团队沟通能力及临床实践中技能运用的影响。方法:采用混合方法设计,采用1组前测-后测设计和焦点小组讨论。 This study involved 415 undergraduate medical and nursing students from a university in Singapore. After a baseline evaluation of the participants' sepsis knowledge and team communication skills, they underwent didactic e-learning followed by virtual telesimulation on early recognition and management of sepsis and team communication strategies. The participants' sepsis knowledge and team communication skills were evaluated immediately and 2 months after the telesimulation. In total, 4 focus group discussions were conducted using a purposive sample of 18 medical and nursing students to explore their transfer of learning to clinical practice. Results: Compared with the baseline scores, both the medical and nursing students demonstrated a significant improvement in sepsis knowledge (P<.001) and team communication skills (P<.001) in immediate posttest scores. At the 2-month follow-up, the nursing students continued to have statistically significantly higher sepsis knowledge (P<.001) and communication scores (P<.001) than the pretest scores, whereas the medical students had no significant changes in test scores between the 2-month follow-up and pretest time points (P=.99). A total of three themes emerged from the qualitative findings: greater understanding of each other's roles, application of mental models in clinical practice, and theory-practice gaps. The sepsis interprofessional education---particularly the use of virtual telesimulation---fostered participants' understanding and appreciation of each other's interprofessional roles when caring for patients with sepsis. Despite noting some incongruities with the real-world clinical practice and not encountering many sepsis scenarios in clinical settings, participants shared the application of mental models using interprofessional communication strategies and the patient assessment framework in their daily clinical practice. Conclusions: Although the study did not show long-term knowledge retention, the use of virtual telesimulation played a critical role in facilitating the application of mental models for learning transfer and therefore could serve as a promising education modality for sepsis training. For a greater clinical effect, future studies could complement virtual telesimulation with a mannequin-based simulation and provide more evidence on the long-term retention of sepsis knowledge and clinical skills performance. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/35058", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e35058", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/35058", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35436237" }