@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/32855,作者="陈宇奇和程,Christina和Osborne, Richard H和Kayser, Lars和Liu, Chieh-Yu和Chang, Li-Chun",标题="台湾慢性病患者电子健康素养问卷(eHLQ)的有效性检验与文化适应性:混合方法研究",期刊="J医学互联网研究",年="2022",月="1",日="19",卷="24",数="1",页数="e32855",关键词="慢性病;电子卫生知识普及问卷;eHLQ;验证;文化适应;背景:数字技术的进步旨在促进健康和获得服务。然而,缺乏使用技术的能力和信心的人很可能被抛在后面,导致健康差距。在提供数字卫生服务时,卫生保健提供者需要了解用户不同的电子卫生素养,以满足他们的特殊需求,并确保公平地接受和使用数字服务。为了了解这些需求,需要一种工具来获取用户与技术相关的知识、技能、信任、动机和经验。电子卫生素养问卷(eHLQ)是一个多维工具,有7个量表,涵盖电子卫生素养的不同维度。 The tool was simultaneously developed in English and Danish using a grounded and validity-driven approach and has been shown to have strong psychometric properties. Objective: This study aims to translate and culturally adapt the eHLQ for application among Mandarin-speaking people with chronic diseases in Taiwan and then undertake a rigorous set of validity-testing procedures. Methods: The cross-cultural adaptation of the eHLQ included translation and evaluation of the translations. The measurement properties were assessed using classical test theory and item response theory (IRT) approaches. Content validity, known-group validity, and internal consistency were explored, as well as item characteristic curves (ICCs), item discrimination, and item location/difficulty. Results: The adapted version was reviewed, and a recommended forward translation was confirmed through consensus. The tool exhibited good content validity. A total of 420 people with 1 or more chronic diseases participated in a validity-testing survey. The eHLQ showed good internal consistency (Cronbach $\alpha$=.75-.95). For known-group validity, all 7 eHLQ scales showed strong associations with education. Unidimensionality and local independence assumptions were met except for scale 2. IRT analysis showed that all items demonstrated good discrimination (range 0.27-12.15) and a good range of difficulty (range 0.59-1.67) except for 2 items in scale 7. Conclusions: Using a rigorous process, the eHLQ was translated from English into a culturally appropriate tool for use in the Mandarin language. Validity testing provided evidence of satisfactory-to-strong psychometric properties of the eHLQ. The 7 scales are likely to be useful research tools for evaluating digital health interventions and for informing the development of health technology products and interventions that equitably suit diverse users' needs. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/32855", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e32855", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/32855", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35044310" }