@文章{info:doi/ 10.2199 /30390,作者=“Warsinsky, Simon和Schmidt-Kraepelin, Manuel和Rank, Sascha和Thiebes, Scott和Sunyaev, Ali”,标题=“围绕卫生保健中的游戏化和严重游戏的概念模糊:基于游戏的干预报告指南的文献综述和发展(游戏)”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2021”,月=“9”,日=“10”,卷=“23”,数=“9”,页=“e30390”,关键词=“基于游戏的干预;游戏化;严肃游戏;文献综述;报告准则;背景:在医疗保健领域,使用基于游戏的干预手段来增加健康行为的动机、参与度和整体可持续性正逐渐变得越来越普遍。在卫生保健研究中,基于游戏的干预最普遍的类型是游戏化和严肃游戏。不同的研究人员讨论了这两个概念之间的实质性概念差异,并通过实证研究证明了对特定健康行为的影响差异。然而,研究人员也经常报告与这两个概念相关的术语被含糊使用甚至互换的情况。目前尚不清楚现有的医疗保健研究在多大程度上明确区分了游戏化和严肃游戏,以及是否利用了现有的概念性考虑。 Objective: This study aims to address this lack of knowledge by capturing the current state of conceptualizations of gamification and serious games in health care research. Furthermore, we aim to provide tools for researchers to disambiguate the reporting of game-based interventions. Methods: We used a 2-step research approach. First, we conducted a systematic literature review of 206 studies, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and its sister journals, containing terms related to gamification, serious games, or both. We analyzed their conceptualizations of gamification and serious games, as well as the distinctions between the two concepts. Second, based on the literature review findings, we developed a set of guidelines for researchers reporting on game-based interventions and evaluated them with a group of 9 experts from the field. Results: Our results show that less than half of the concept mentions are accompanied by an explicit definition. To distinguish between the 2 concepts, we identified four common approaches: implicit distinction, synonymous use of terms, serious games as a type of gamified system, and distinction based on the full game dimension. Our Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING) consist of 25 items grouped into four topics: conceptual focus, contribution, mindfulness about related concepts, and individual concept definitions. Conclusions: Conceptualizations of gamification and serious games in health care literature are strongly heterogeneous, leading to conceptual ambiguity. Following the GAMING can support authors in rigorous reporting on study results of game-based interventions. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/30390", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/9/e30390", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/30390", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34505840" }