@文章{info:doi/10.2196/26522,作者="Seibert, Kathrin和Domhoff, Dominik和Bruch, Dominik和Schulte-Althoff, Matthias和F{\"u}rstenau, Daniel和Biessmann, Felix和Wolf-Ostermann, Karin",标题="人工智能在护理中的应用场景:快速回顾",期刊="J medical Internet Res",年="2021",月="11",日="29",卷="23",数="11",页="e26522",关键词="护理;人工智能;机器学习;专家系统;背景:人工智能(AI)有望在复杂的护理情况下支持护士的临床决策,或执行与患者直接交互无关的任务,如文件处理。护理AI应用的研究和开发有所增加,但长期缺乏对有前途的应用场景的证据基础的广泛概述。目的:本研究综合了人工智能在护理环境中的应用场景的文献,并强调了围绕人工智能在护理中的应用的伦理、法律和社会话语中的相邻方面。方法:经过快速回顾设计,PubMed、CINAHL、计算机械协会数字图书馆、电气和电子工程师学会Xplore、数字书目图书馆项目、信息系统协会图书馆以及领先的人工智能会议图书馆于2020年6月进行了搜索。包括以英文出版的关于伦理、法律和社会影响的原始定量和定性研究、系统评论、讨论论文和论文。根据预先确定的选择标准对符合条件的研究进行分析。 Results: The titles and abstracts of 7016 publications and 704 full texts were screened, and 292 publications were included. Hospitals were the most prominent study setting, followed by independent living at home; fewer application scenarios were identified for nursing homes or home care. Most studies used machine learning algorithms, whereas expert or hybrid systems were entailed in less than every 10th publication. The application context of focusing on image and signal processing with tracking, monitoring, or the classification of activity and health followed by care coordination and communication, as well as fall detection, was the main purpose of AI applications. Few studies have reported the effects of AI applications on clinical or organizational outcomes, lacking particularly in data gathered outside laboratory conditions. In addition to technological requirements, the reporting and inclusion of certain requirements capture more overarching topics, such as data privacy, safety, and technology acceptance. Ethical, legal, and social implications reflect the discourse on technology use in health care but have mostly not been discussed in meaningful and potentially encompassing detail. Conclusions: The results highlight the potential for the application of AI systems in different nursing care settings. Considering the lack of findings on the effectiveness and application of AI systems in real-world scenarios, future research should reflect on a more nursing care--specific perspective toward objectives, outcomes, and benefits. We identify that, crucially, an advancement in technological-societal discourse that surrounds the ethical and legal implications of AI applications in nursing care is a necessary next step. Further, we outline the need for greater participation among all of the stakeholders involved. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/26522", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2021/11/e26522", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/26522", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34847057" }