@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。999,作者=“Zbikowski, Susan M和Hapgood, Jenny和Smucker Barnwell, Sara和McAfee, Tim”,标题=“电话和基于网络的戒烟治疗:11,000名烟草使用者的真实世界使用模式和结果”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2008”,月=“11”,日=“14”,卷=“10”,数=“5”,页=“e41”,关键词=“戒烟;互联网;电话;背景:基于手机的戒烟计划已被证明有效并被广泛采用。存在基于web的解决方案;然而,证据基础尚未很好地建立起来。许多戒烟治疗方法都是市售的,但很少有将电话和网络结合起来提供的,也没有发表过关于综合方案的研究。目的:本文描述了一个全面的综合电话/网络戒烟计划,以及从现实世界评估中参加该计划的吸烟者的特征、经验和结果。方法:我们追踪了2006年5月至2007年10月期间参加Free {\&} Clear quit For Life项目的11,143名参与者的项目使用情况(电话完成情况、网络登录情况)、戒烟状态、满意度和人口统计数据。 All participants received up to five proactive phone counseling sessions with Quit Coaches, unlimited access to an interactive website, up to 20 tailored emails, printed Quit Guides, and cessation medication information. The program was designed to encourage use of all program components rather than asking participants to choose which components they wanted to use while quitting. Results: We found that participants tended to use phone services more than Web services. On average, participants completed 2-2.5 counseling calls and logged in to the online program 1-2 times. Women were more adherent to the overall program; women utilized Web and phone services significantly (P = .003) more than men. Older smokers (> 26 years) and moderate smokers (15-20 cigarettes/day) utilized services more (P < .001) than younger (< 26 years) and light or heavy smokers. Satisfaction with services was high (92{\%} to 95{\%}) and varied somewhat with Web utilization. Thirty-day quit rates at the 6-month follow-up were 41{\%} using responder analysis and 21{\%} using intent-to-treat analysis. Web utilization was significantly associated with increased call completion and tobacco abstinence rates at the 6-month follow-up evaluation. Conclusions: This paper expands our understanding of a real-world treatment program combining two mediums, phone and Web. Greater adherence to the program, as defined by using both the phone and Web components, is associated with higher quit rates. This study has implications for reaching and treating tobacco users with an integrated phone/Web program and offers evidence regarding the effectiveness of integrated cessation programs. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.999", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2008/5/e41/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.999", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19017583" }