TY - JOUR AU - Kim, Ben AU - Hunt, Miranda AU - Muscedere, John AU - Maslove, David M AU - Lee, Joon PY - 2021 DA - 2021/2/23 TI -使用消费者级身体活动追踪器测量老年重症监护幸存者的虚弱过渡:探究性观察研究JO - JMIR Aging SP - e19859 VL - 4is - 1kw -衰弱KW -体弱老年人KW -可穿戴电子设备KW -健身追踪器KW -活动追踪器KW -心率KW -睡眠监测KW -危重护理结果AB -背景:危重疾病已被认为是高危老年人衰弱发展的前哨事件。虚弱的危重症幸存者受到越来越多的不良健康结果的影响,但监测重症监护病房(ICU)出院后的恢复是具有挑战性的。随着传感器技术的快速发展,临床医生和医疗保健系统的资助者设想,可穿戴设备在监测临床相关措施方面的作用将越来越大。可穿戴设备的使用也引起了老年患者的极大兴趣,他们是消费级可穿戴设备用户中增长最快的群体。最近的研究表明,消费级可穿戴设备提供了测量虚弱的可能性。目的:本研究旨在检查从可穿戴设备收集的数据,在危重症幸存者中虚弱的进展。方法:对加拿大金斯顿总医院12例老年危重症幸存者进行观察性研究。在ICU入院、出院和4周随访时,采用临床虚弱量表(CFS)测量虚弱程度。在出院和4周随访期间佩戴可穿戴设备。 The wearable device collected data on step count, physical activity, sleep, and heart rate (HR). Patient assessments were reviewed, including the severity of illness, cognition level, delirium, activities of daily living, and comorbidity. Results: The CFS scores increased significantly following critical illness compared with the pre-ICU frailty level (P=.02; d=−0.53). Survivors who were frail over the 4-week follow-up period had significantly lower daily step counts than survivors who were not frail (P=.02; d=1.81). There was no difference in sleep and HR measures. Daily step count was strongly correlated with the CFS at 4-week follow-up (r=−0.72; P=.04). The average HR was strongly correlated with the CFS at hospital discharge (r=−0.72; P=.046). The HR SD was strongly correlated (r=0.78; P=.02) with the change in CFS from ICU admission to 4-week follow-up. No association was found between the CFS and sleep measures. The pattern of increasing step count over the 4-week follow-up period was correlated with worsening of frailty (r=.62; P=.03). Conclusions: This study demonstrated an association between frailty and data generated from a consumer-grade wearable device. Daily step count and HR showed a strong association with the frailty progression of the survivors of critical illness over time. Understanding this association could unlock a new avenue for clinicians to monitor and identify a vulnerable subset of the older adult population that might benefit from an early intervention. SN - 2561-7605 UR - https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e19859 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/19859 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33620323 DO - 10.2196/19859 ID - info:doi/10.2196/19859 ER -