%0期刊文章%@ 2561- 7605% I JMIR出版物%V 4%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 3% P e24553 %T使用智能手表对老年人膝骨关节炎症状进行生态瞬时评估的满意度、可用性和依从性:可用性研究%A Rouzaud Laborde,Charlotte %A Cenko,Erta %A Mardini,Mamoun T %A Nerella,Subhash %A Kheirkhahan,Matin %A Ranka,Sanjay %A Fillingim,Roger B %A Corbett,Duane B %A Weber,Eric %A Rashidi,Parisa %A Manini,Todd +图卢兹大学药学系,Paule de Viguier医院,330 Avenue de Grande Bretagne, TSA 70034,图卢兹,31059,法国,33 625088692,charlotte.laborde@yahoo.fr %K ehealth %K移动健康%K生态瞬时评估%K实时在线评估和移动监测%K漫游%K老年人%K依从性%K个人满意度%K可用性%K智能手表%K膝骨关节炎%K疼痛%K疲劳%K可穿戴电子设备%K移动应用%D 2021 %7 14.7.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR老化%G英语%X背景:智能手表使医生能够监测膝骨关节炎患者的症状、他们的行为和他们的环境。老年人会经历疼痛和相关症状(情绪、疲劳和睡眠质量)的波动,智能手表非常适合以方便的方式远程捕捉这些波动。目的:本研究的目的是评估满意度、可用性和依从性,使用为膝骨关节炎患者智能手表设计的实时、在线评估和移动监测(ROAMM)移动应用程序。方法:受试者(N=28;平均年龄73.2岁,SD 5.5岁;70%女性)患有膝骨关节炎的女性被要求佩戴安装了ROAMM应用程序的智能手表。他们被要求在早上报告前一天晚上的睡眠质量,然后在早上、下午和晚上对他们的疼痛、疲劳、情绪和活动进行生态瞬间评估(ema)。 Satisfaction, comfort, and usability were evaluated using a standardized questionnaire. Compliance with regard to answering EMAs was calculated after excluding time when the watch was not being worn for technical reasons (eg, while charging). Results: A majority of participants reported that the text displayed was large enough to read (22/26, 85%), and all participants found it easy to enter ratings using the smartwatch. Approximately half of the participants found the smartwatch to be comfortable (14/26, 54%) and would consider wearing it as their personal watch (11/24, 46%). Most participants were satisfied with its battery charging system (20/26, 77%). A majority of participants (19/26, 73%) expressed their willingness to use the ROAMM app for a 1-year research study. The overall EMA compliance rate was 83% (2505/3036 responses). The compliance rate was lower among those not regularly wearing a wristwatch (10/26, 88% vs 16/26, 71%) and among those who found the text too small to read (4/26, 86% vs 22/26, 60%). Conclusions: Older adults with knee osteoarthritis positively rated the ROAMM smartwatch app and were generally satisfied with the device. The high compliance rates coupled with the willingness to participate in a long-term study suggest that the ROAMM app is a viable approach to remotely collecting health symptoms and behaviors for both research and clinical endeavors. %M 34259638 %R 10.2196/24553 %U https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2021/3/e24553 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/24553 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34259638