%0期刊文章%@ 2561- 7605% I JMIR出版物%V 4%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 2% P e25928% T老年人对InnoWell平台可用性和可接受性的评估:调查研究%A LaMonica,Haley M %A Roberts,Anna E %A Davenport,Tracey A %A Hickie,Ian B %+脑与心智中心,悉尼大学,88 Mallett Street, Camperdown, 2050, Australia, 61 426955658, haley.lamonica@sydney.edu.au %K老年人%K心理健康%K技术%K社区参与性研究%K利益相关者参与%K智能手机%K手机%D 2021 %7 21.4.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR Aging %G英语%X背景:随着全球人口老龄化,人们对制定促进晚年健康和幸福的战略越来越感兴趣,从而使持续的生产力、社会参与和独立。随着老年人更频繁、更熟练和更有信心地使用技术,卫生信息技术(HITs)现在具有相当大的潜力,可以作为一种手段,使更广泛地获得用于筛查、治疗、监测和持续维护这一群体健康的工具和服务。InnoWell平台是一种与生活经验共同设计的数字工具,通过提供全面的多维评估来促进更好的结果,实时提供评估结果,使消费者能够独立或与卫生专业人员合作,就临床和非临床护理选择做出明智的决定。目的:本研究旨在评估与老年人共同设计和配置的InnoWell平台原型的可用性和可接受性,使用自我报告调查。方法:参与者是50岁以上的成年人,他们被邀请自然地(即自行决定)使用InnoWell平台,为期90天。此外,他们还在基线时完成了关于他们的背景、健康和心理健康的简短网络调查。90天后,参与者被要求完成系统可用性量表,以评估原型InnoWell平台的可用性和可接受性,目的是在卫生服务环境中实施之前,为这一数字工具的迭代重新设计和开发提供信息。结果:共有19名参与者同意参与研究; however, only the data from the 16 participants (mean age 62.8 years, SD 7.5; range 50-72) who completed at least part of the survey at 90 days were included in the analyses. Participants generally reported low levels of psychological distress and good mental well-being. In relation to the InnoWell Platform, the usability scores were suboptimal. Although the InnoWell Platform was noted to be easy to use, participants had difficulty identifying the relevance of the tool for their personal circumstances. Ease of use, the comprehensive nature of the assessment tools, and the ability to track progress over time were favored features of the InnoWell Platform, whereas the need for greater personalization and improved mobile functionality were cited as areas for improvement. Conclusions: HITs such as the InnoWell Platform have tremendous potential to improve access to cost-effective and low-intensity interventions at scale to improve and maintain mental health and well-being in later life. However, to promote adoption of and continued engagement with such tools, it is essential that these HITs are personalized and relevant for older adult end users, accounting for differences in background, clinical profiles, and levels of need. %M 33881410 %R 10.2196/25928 %U https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2021/2/e25928 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/25928 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33881410