JMIR出版物创新的辅助生活工具,远程监测技术,人工智能驱动的解决方案卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析,和老龄化社会的机器人系统:系统综述%A Sapci,A Hasan %A Sapci,H Aylin %+阿德尔菲大学,1南大道,Nexus大楼,纽约,11530,美国,1 5168338156, %K老龄化社会的创新辅助生活工具%K人工智能家庭监测%K老年人%K机器人技术%K智能家庭%D 2019 %7 29.11.2019 %9综述%J JMIR老龄化%G英文%X背景:预期寿命的延长以及最近技术和医学科学的进步已经改变了我们向老龄化社会提供卫生服务的方式。有证据表明,家庭远程监护可以显著减少再入院的人数,对老年人日常活动和健康相关问题的持续监测可能会预防医疗紧急情况。目的:本综述的主要目的是确定老年人辅助技术设备和就地老化技术的进展,并确定远程患者监测、智能家庭、远程医疗和人工智能监测系统研究的证据水平。方法:采用护理及相关健康文献累积指数Plus、MEDLINE、EMBASE、电气与电子工程师学会Xplore、ProQuest Central、Scopus和Science Direct进行文献综述。研究包括与老年人护理、独立生活和新型辅助技术相关的出版物。结果:共有91篇文献符合纳入标准。从这些数据中,总共出现了四个主题:技术接受和准备程度、新型患者监测和智能家居技术、智能算法和软件工程以及机器人技术。结果显示,大多数研究的参考标准较差,没有明确的批判性评价。 Conclusions: The use of ubiquitous in-home monitoring and smart technologies for aged people’s care will increase their independence and the health care services available to them as well as improve frail elderly people’s health care outcomes. This review identified four different themes that require different conceptual approaches to solution development. Although the engineering teams were focused on prototype and algorithm development, the medical science teams were concentrated on outcome research. We also identified the need to develop custom technology solutions for different aging societies. The convergence of medicine and informatics could lead to the development of new interdisciplinary research models and new assistive products for the care of older adults. %M 31782740 %R 10.2196/15429 %U %U %U