@文章{info:doi/ 10.21960 /39301,作者="Boccardi, Alyssa and Wu, Fangzheng and Pearlman, Jon and Mhatre, Anand",标题="老年轮椅用户推荐适合老年人的轮椅维护应用程序设计改进:混合方法开发研究",期刊="JMIR老化",年="2022",月=" 10 ",日="18",卷="5",数="4",页="e39301",关键词="老化;老年人;维护;移动电话;修理;智能手机;背景:轮椅零件故障在过去十年中翻了一番。预防性的轮椅维修可以减少轮椅故障和防止使用者的后果。我们正在开发一款名为WheelTrak的智能手机应用程序,当需要维护时,它会提醒用户,以鼓励维护实践和遵守。目的:本混合方法研究旨在开发一个轮椅维修应用程序,使用广泛的利益相关者的建议,并调查老年人与该应用程序的交互体验,以及他们感知的障碍和维修促进者。 Methods: Interviews were conducted with stakeholders, including mobility device users, to generate needs statements and app specifications. The app was designed in 2 stages. Stage 1 involved the development of the app according to the specifications and evaluation of the app interface by lead users. Stage 2 included the revision of the app screens and manual functionality testing. Usability testing and semistructured interviews were conducted with older wheelchair and scooter users. The System Usability Scale was used to measure app usability. Results: Interviews with power and manual wheelchair users (37/57, 65{\%}), wheelchair service providers (15/57, 26{\%}), manufacturers (2/57, 4{\%}), seating and mobility researchers (1/57, 2{\%}), and insurance plan providers (2/57, 4{\%}) informed the needs and specifications of the app technology. The 2-stage development process delivered a fully functional app that met the design specifications. In total, 12 older adults (mean age 74.2, SD 9.1 years; n=10, 83{\%} women; and n=2, 17{\%} men) participated in the usability testing study. Of the 12 participants, 9 (75{\%}) agreed to use WheelTrak for preventative maintenance. WheelTrak scored an average System Usability Scale score of 60.25 (SD 16). Four overarching themes were identified: WheelTrak app improvements, barriers to maintenance, consequences related to mobility device failure, and smart technology use and acceptance. Older adults preferred the simplicity, readability, personalization, and availability of educational resources in the app. Barriers to maintenance pertained to health issues and lack of maintenance knowledge among older adults. Facilitators of maintenance included notification for maintenance, app connectivity with the service provider, reporting of device failure, and the presence of a caregiver for maintenance. Conclusions: This study highlighted age-friendly design improvements to the app, making it easy to be used and adopted by older wheelchair users. The WheelTrak app has close to average system usability. Additional usability testing will be conducted following app revision in the future. ", issn="2561-7605", doi="10.2196/39301", url="https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e39301", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/39301", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36256830" }