@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/39016,作者=“Massougbodji, Jos{\'e}和Zomahoun, Herv{\'e} Tchala Vignon和Adisso, evhouenou Lionel和Sawadogo, Jasmine和Borde, Val{\'e}rie和Cameron, Cynthia和Moisan, H{\'e}l{\ 'e} ne和Paquette, Jean-S{\'e}bastien和Akbaraly, Zamzam和Ch{\ 'e} teauneuf, l{\'e} a- kim和David,日内瓦{\'e} ve和l{\'e} gar{\'e} e,法国”,标题=“扩大公共图书馆的公民研讨会,传播和讨论初级保健研究成果:准实验研究”,期刊=“JMIR老化”,年份=“2022”,月=“8”,日=“19”,卷=“5”,数=“3”,页数=“e39016”,关键词=“放大”;知识的翻译;传播策略;集成知识翻译;公共图书馆;公民研讨会;背景:在扩大针对公众的有效知识转化干预措施的过程中,如何让患者和利益相关者参与进来,我们知之甚少。目的:使用综合知识翻译方法,我们的目标是扩大和评估一个有效的试点项目,在公共图书馆传播研究成果。方法:我们针对公众进行了一项扩大规模的研究。 On the basis of our successful pilot project, we codeveloped and implemented a large-scale program of free citizen workshops in public libraries, in a close research partnership with stakeholders and patient representatives. Citizen workshops, each facilitated by 1 participating physician and 1 science communicator, consisted of a 45-minute computer-assisted presentation and a 45-minute open exchange. The intervention outcome was knowledge gained. The scale-up outcomes were satisfaction, appropriateness, coverage, and costs. An evaluation questionnaire was used to collect data of interest. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed. Results: The workshop theme chosen by the patient and stakeholder representatives was the high prevalence of medication overuse among people aged ≥65 years. From April to May 2019, 26 workshops were conducted in 25 public libraries reaching 362 people. The mean age of participants was 64.8 (SD 12.5) years. In total, 18 participating physicians and 6 science communicators facilitated the workshops. Participants reported significant knowledge gain (mean difference 2.1, 95{\%} CI 2.0-2.2; P<.001). The median score for overall public satisfaction was 9 out of 10 (IQR 8-10). The public participants globally rated the workshops as having a high level of appropriateness. Coverage was 92{\%} (25/27) of the total number of public libraries targeted. Costs were CAD {\$}6051.84 (US {\$}4519.69) for workshop design and CAD {\$}22,935.41 (US {\$}17,128.85) for scaling them up. Conclusions: This project successfully established a large-scale and successful implementation science or knowledge translation bridge among researchers, clinicians, and citizens via public libraries. This study provides a model for a dissemination practice that benefits the public by both engaging them in the dissemination process and targeting them directly. ", issn="2561-7605", doi="10.2196/39016", url="https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e39016", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/39016", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35690963" }