@文章{info:doi/10.2196/32322,作者="Shin, Marlena H和McLaren, Jaye和Ramsey, Alvin和Sullivan, Jennifer L和Moo, Lauren",标题="为阿尔兹海默症和相关痴呆患者改进移动网真机器人:与利益相关方的半结构化访谈",期刊="JMIR老化",年="2022",月="5",日="3",卷="5",数="2",页="e32322",关键词="轻度认知障碍;社会辅助机器人;机器人技术;照顾者支持;老年医学;原地老化;定性研究;背景:到2050年,近1300万美国人将患有阿尔茨海默病和相关的痴呆(ADRD),其中大多数患有ADRD或轻度认知障碍(MCI)的人将接受家庭护理。移动远程呈现机器人可以让轻度认知障碍或注意力缺陷障碍患者保持独立生活在家里,减轻照顾的负担。本研究的目标是确定如何通过关键利益相关者的输入来增强现有的移动远程呈现机器人,以支持轻度认知障碍或ADRD患者的家庭护理。 Objective: The specific aims were to assess what applications should be integrated into the robot to further support the independence of individuals with MCI or ADRD and understand stakeholders' overall opinions about the robot. Methods: We conducted in-person interviews with 21 stakeholders, including 6 people aged >50 years with MCI or ADRD living in the community, 9 family caregivers of people with MCI or ADRD, and 6 clinicians who work with the ADRD population. Interview questions about the robot focused on technology use, design and functionality, future applications to incorporate, and overall opinions. We conducted a thematic analysis of the data obtained and assessed the patterns within and across stakeholder groups using a matrix analysis technique. Results: Overall, most stakeholders across groups felt positively about the robot's ability to support individuals with MCI or ADRD and decrease caregiver burden. Most ADRD stakeholders felt that the greatest benefits would be receiving help in emergency cases and having fewer in-person visits to the doctor's office. Caregivers and clinicians also noted that remote video communication with their family members using the robot was valuable. Adding voice commands and 1-touch lifesaving or help buttons to the robot were the top suggestions offered by the stakeholders. The 4 types of applications that were suggested included health-related alerts; reminders; smart-home--related applications; and social, entertainment, or well-being applications. Stakeholders across groups liked the robot's mobility, size, interactive connection, and communication abilities. However, stakeholders raised concerns about their physical stability and size for individuals living in smaller, cluttered spaces; screen quality for those with visual impairments; and privacy or data security. Conclusions: Although stakeholders generally expressed positive opinions about the robot, additional adaptations were suggested to strengthen functionality. Adding applications and making improvements to the design may help mitigate concerns and better support individuals with ADRD to live independently in the community. As the number of individuals living with ADRD in the United States increases, mobile telepresence robots are a promising way to support them and their caregivers. Engaging all 3 stakeholder groups in the development of these robots is a critical first step in ensuring that the technology matches their needs. Integrating the feedback obtained from our stakeholders and evaluating their effectiveness will be important next steps in adapting telepresence robots. ", issn="2561-7605", doi="10.2196/32322", url="https://aging.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e32322", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/32322", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35503518" }