//www.mybigtv.com/issue/feed 医学互联网研究杂志 2022 - 09 - 01 - t10:00:03内 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 editor@www.mybigtv.com 开放期刊系统 在互联网时代,领先的数字医学、健康和卫生保健的同行评审期刊。 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e37845/ 一般健康状况作为数字不平等的指标和年龄和教育的调节作用:横断面研究 2022 - 10 - 21 - t11:00:02内 亚历山大J A M范德尔森 为向一般民众提供在线保健信息和服务作出了相当大的努力。这种努力可能有助于人们获得改善的健康结果。然而,当卫生信息和服务转移到网上时,需要考虑平等问题。在这项研究中,我们关注一般人群,并以健康状况(身体功能、社会功能、心理健康、感知健康和身体疼痛)如何与互联网接入(涵盖互联网态度、物质获取、互联网技能和与健康相关的互联网使用)相关联为出发点。本研究旨在揭示在何种程度上(1)互联网接入对在线健康结果很重要,(2)不同的健康状态对获得互联网接入和结果很重要,(3)年龄和教育调节了健康状态对互联网接入的贡献。使用在荷兰收集的样本进行2次在线调查的序列,并获得了年龄超过18岁的1730名受访者的数据集。<强>结果:互联网态度对物质获取、互联网技能和健康结果有积极影响,对与健康相关的互联网使用有消极影响。物质获取对互联网技能和与健康相关的互联网使用和成果有积极贡献。互联网技能对与健康相关的互联网使用和结果有积极贡献。身体功能对网络态度、物质获取和网络技能有正向影响,但对网络健康使用有负向影响。 Social functioning contributes negatively to internet attitude and positively to internet skills and internet health use. Mental health contributes positively to internet attitude and negatively to material access and internet health use. Perceived health positively contributes to material access, internet skills, and internet health use. Physical pain contributes positively to internet attitude and material access and indirectly to internet skills and internet health use. Finally, most contributions are moderated by age (<65 and ≥65 years) and education (low and high). Conclusions: To make online health care attainable for the general population, interventions should focus simultaneously on internet attitude, material access, internet skills, and internet health use. However, issues of equality need to be considered. In this respect, digital inequality research benefits from considering health as a predictor of all 4 access stages. Furthermore, studies should go beyond single self-reported measures of health. Physical functioning, social functioning, mental health, perceived health, and physical pain all show unique contributions to the different internet access stages. Further complicating this issue, online health-related interventions for people with different health statuses should also consider age and the educational level of attainment. 2022 - 10 - 21 - t11:00:02内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e39218/ 在COVID-19大流行期间,使用聊天机器人作为面对面刷牙培训的替代方法:比较研究 2022 - 10 - 21 - t10:45:18内 Samerchit Pithpornchaiyakul Supawadee Naorungroj Kittiwara Pupong Jaranya Hunsrisakhun <强>背景:建议护理人员接受口腔健康教育和亲自培训,以改善幼儿刷牙。为了加强COVID-19前的口腔健康教育,使用了21天的FunDee聊天机器人,为护理人员提供亲自刷牙培训。在大流行期间,实践经验难以落实。因此,为了将聊天机器人的使用时间从21天延长到30天,我们创建了30天FunDee聊天机器人,加入了更多的刷牙示范和对话视频。本研究基于保护动机理论(PMT),评估21天FunDee(研究I)和30天FunDee(研究II)这两个聊天机器人在Pattani省类似农村地区的有效性和可用性。该研究探索了在COVID-19大流行期间,使用30天FunDee聊天机器人增加口腔卫生护理人员的刷牙行为的可行性,这些护理人员为6个月至36个月的儿童提供口腔卫生护理,没有接受过亲自培训。两项研究均采用前-后设计。根据口腔卫生实践、知识和基于PMT的口腔卫生保健认知,评估护理人员的有效性。在研究一中,参与者在2018年10月至2019年2月期间接受了当面培训和21天的聊天机器人课程。在研究II中,参与者在2021年12月至2022年2月的30天内每天只接受聊天机器人编程。 Data were gathered at baseline of each study and at 30 days and 60 days after the start of Study I and Study II, respectively. After completing their interventions, the chatbot's usability was assessed using open-ended questions. Study I evaluated the plaque score, whereas Study II included an in-depth interview. The 2 studies were compared to determine the feasibility of using the 30-Day FunDee chatbot as an alternative to in-person training. Results: There were 71 pairs of participants: 37 in Study I and 34 in Study II. Both chatbots significantly improved overall knowledge (Study I: P<.001; Study II: P=.001), overall oral health care perceptions based on PMT (Study I: P<.001; Study II: P<.001), and toothbrushing for children by caregivers (Study I: P=.02; Study II: P=.04). Only Study I had statistically significant differences in toothbrushing at least twice a day (P=.002) and perceived vulnerability (P=.003). The highest overall chatbot satisfaction was 9.2 (SD 0.9) in Study I and 8.6 (SD 1.2) in Study II. In Study I, plaque levels differed significantly (P<.001). Conclusions: This was the first study using a chatbot in oral health education. We established the effectiveness and usability of 2 chatbot programs for promoting oral hygiene care of young children by caregivers. The 30-Day FunDee chatbot showed the possibility of improving toothbrushing skills without requiring in-person training. Trial Registration: Thai Clinical Trials Registry TCTR20191223005; http://www.thaiclinicaltrials.org/show/TCTR20191223005 and TCTR20210927004; https://www.thaiclinicaltrials.org/show/TCTR20210927004 2022 - 10 - 21 - t10:45:18内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e35860/ 通过异质性患者数据描述与COVID-19相关的血栓并发症危险因素:回顾性观察性研究 2022 - 10 - 21 - t10:45:03内 Bedda罗萨里奥 安德鲁•张 Mehool帕特尔 阿莫勒Rajmane Ning谢 Dilhan Weeraratne 吉尔Alterovitz 背景:已观察到COVID-19与静脉和动脉血栓形成有关。炎症性疾病延长了住院时间,既往共病可加重COVID-19患者的血栓负担。然而,静脉血栓栓塞、动脉血栓和其他血管并发症可能在危重监护环境中被忽视。在COVID-19患者人群中,早期风险分层对于主动监测血栓并发症至关重要。本探索性研究的目的是利用来自电子健康记录(EHR)和保险理赔数据库的信息,描述与COVID-19相关的血栓并发症风险因素。目标是开发一种分析方法,使用现实世界的数据证据,可以普遍化,以描述血栓并发症和其他临床环境中的附加条件,如COVID-19患者或重症监护室中的肺炎或急性呼吸窘迫综合征。我们从保险理赔数据库IBM MarketScan中提取已识别的患者数据,并使用逻辑回归就COVID-19患者的患者人口统计学和临床因素制定血栓性并发症的假设。然后,通过分析来自马萨诸塞州布里格姆总医院(MGB)患者EHR数据库的研究患者数据(RPDR),验证了这些假设。根据优势比、95% ci和P值分析数据。从IBM MarketScan和MGB RPDR的数百万份记录中,分析确定了184,831例COVID-19患者血栓并发症的显著预测因子(P<.001)。 With respect to age groups, patients 60 years and older had higher odds (4.866 in MarketScan and 6.357 in RPDR) to have thrombotic complications than those under 60 years old. In terms of gender, men were more likely (odds ratio of 1.245 in MarketScan and 1.693 in RPDR) to have thrombotic complications than women. Among the preexisting comorbidities, patients with heart disease, cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, and personal history of thrombosis all had significantly higher odds of developing a thrombotic complication. Cancer and obesity were also associated with odds>1. The results from RPDR validated the IBM MarketScan findings, as they were largely consistent and afford mutual enrichment. Conclusions: The analysis approach adopted in this study can work across heterogeneous databases from diverse organizations and thus facilitates collaboration. Searching through millions of patient records, the analysis helped to identify factors influencing a phenotype. Use of thrombotic complications in COVID-19 patients represents only a case study; however, the same design can be used across other disease areas by extracting corresponding disease-specific patient data from available databases. 2022 - 10 - 21 - t10:45:03内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e41417/ 后roe案件的政治格局要求对妇女健康采取一种谨慎的道德 2022 - 10 - 20 - t11:00:23内 莎拉Goodday 丹尼尔·卡琳 克里斯汀越野车 斯蒂芬的朋友 最高法院最近的一项决定(即Dobbs诉Jackson妇女健康组织案)撤销了美国宪法赋予的堕胎权利,有可能极大地扰乱妇女健康研究的进展。在收集某些类型的个人健康信息的研究中,为确保研究参与者的机密性和隐私而采取的典型保障措施,并不适用于针对疑似终止妊娠的刑事调查。数字健康研究的参与者还面临额外的风险,涉及使用能够跟踪生理指标(如体温和心率)的可穿戴设备,因为这些已显示出跟踪受孕的前景,并可用于识别终止妊娠的信号。研究人员可以使用一些策略来保护可能怀孕的健康研究参与者的安全,同时也保持研究方法的完整性。这一观点的目的是讨论保护研究参与者隐私的潜在策略,包括最小化非必要的敏感个人健康信息和在流产或终止妊娠时的匿名协议。我们邀请其他国家参加这一讨论,以便不让目前的政治形势阻碍妇女健康和生殖研究的进展,同时也保护研究参与者。 2022 - 10 - 20 - t11:00:23内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e40567/ 帕金森病噪声可解性的自动评估:验证研究 2022 - 10 - 20 - t11:00:04内 吉玛Moya-Gale Stephen J沃尔什 此前Goudarzi 背景:大多数帕金森病(PD)患者的语言清晰度都有下降。使用自动语音识别(ASR)评估可理解性的研究仍然很少,特别是在试图复制现实条件下(即嘈杂背景)的通信挑战时。开发自动测量噪音清晰度的技术,最终可以帮助患者自我管理因疾病引起的声音变化。本研究的目的是试点测试和验证使用定制的基于web的应用程序来评估PD相关构音障碍患者在噪声中的语音清晰度。总共有20名PD相关构音障碍患者和20名健康对照(hc)用他们的手机记录了一组句子。谷歌Cloud ASR API被用来自动转录说话者的句子。一种算法被创建来将说话者的句子嵌入+6分贝的信噪多说话器的咿呀学语中。研究人员将ASR表现的结果与用正字法转录同一组句子的30名听者的结果进行了比较。数据被简化为单个事件,如果人工智能(AI)系统将随机演讲者或句子转录得与随机选择的3名人类听众的平均值一样好或更好,则被定义为成功。这些数据进一步用逻辑回归分析,以评估人工智能成功是否因说话者组(hc或构音障碍说话者)而不同,或是否受句子长度的影响。 A discriminant analysis was conducted on the human listener data and AI transcriber data independently to compare the ability of each data set to discriminate between HCs and speakers with dysarthria. Results: The data analysis indicated a 0.8 probability (95% CI 0.65-0.91) that AI performance would be as good or better than the average human listener. AI transcriber success probability was not found to be dependent on speaker group. AI transcriber success was found to decrease with sentence length, losing an estimated 0.03 probability of transcribing as well as the average human listener for each word increase in sentence length. The AI transcriber data were found to offer the same discrimination of speakers into categories (HCs and speakers with dysarthria) as the human listener data. Conclusions: ASR has the potential to assess intelligibility in noise in speakers with dysarthria associated with PD. Our results hold promise for the use of AI with this clinical population, although a full range of speech severity needs to be evaluated in future work, as well as the effect of different speaking tasks on ASR. 2022 - 10 - 20 - t11:00:04内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e40488/ 基于网络的压力管理干预对经历不良工作条件的员工和职业自我效能感的中介作用:随机对照试验 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:45:25内 帕特里夏·尼克松 大卫·丹尼尔·艾伯特 列夫Boß 彼得•安格勒 尼科Dragano 德莱尔 背景:工作压力非常普遍,使员工面临不良健康后果的风险。基于网络的压力管理干预(SMIs)促进职业自我效能感可能是一种可行的方法,可以帮助员工减轻这种负担,并使他们能够改善工作中努力与回报之间的不平衡状况。本随机对照试验的第一个目的是调查基于网络的SMI对感觉压力水平升高和努力-奖励不平衡的员工的有效性,与等待列表对照组(WLC)组相比。其次,我们调查了SMI的有效性是否可以用职业自我效能感的增加来解释,以及这种个人资源是否能使员工改变不利的工作环境。总共有262名报告努力-奖励不平衡得分超过0.715和压力水平升高(10项感知压力量表[PSS-10]得分≥22)的员工被随机分配到干预组(IG;SMI)或WLC组。主要结果是使用PSS-10测量感知应力。次要结果包括心理和与工作相关的健康措施。以职业自我效能感、努力程度和奖励为中介进行了四种不同的中介分析。筛选合格后,分别于基线(T1)、7周(T2)和6个月(T3)在网上收集数据。 Results: Study participation was completed by 80% (105/130, 80.8%) in the IG and 90% (119/132, 90.2%) in the WLC group. Analyses of covariance revealed that stress reduction was significantly higher for the SMI group compared with the WLC group at T2 (d=0.87, 95% CI 0.61-1.12, P<.001) and T3 (d=0.65, 95% CI 0.41-0.90, P<.001). Mediation analyses indicated that occupational self-efficacy mediated the beneficial effect of the SMI on stress directly. Furthermore, the analyses revealed a significant indirect effect of occupational self-efficacy via rewards (b=0.18, t259=4.52, P<.001), but not via efforts (b=0.01, t259=0.27, P>.05) while efforts still had a negative impact on stress (b=0.46, t257=2.32, P<.05). Conclusions: The SMI was effective in reducing stress and improving occupational self-efficacy in employees despite them experiencing an effort-reward imbalance at work. Results from mediation analyses suggest that fostering personal resources such as occupational self-efficacy contributes to the efficacy of the SMI and enables employees to achieve positive changes regarding the rewarding aspects of the workplace. However, the SMI seemed to neither directly nor indirectly impact efforts, suggesting that person-focused interventions might not be sufficient and need to be complemented by organizational-focused interventions to comprehensively improve mental health in employees facing adverse working conditions. Trial Registration: German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00005990; https://tinyurl.com/23fmzfu3 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:45:25内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e38963/ 追踪和限制智能手机使用的智能手机工具的流行度和感知有效性评估:调查研究和机器学习分析 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:45:03内 Elias Aboujaoude 杰韦拉克鲁斯 吕西安装置 罗伯特·科特伊斯 法拉本卜拉欣 Riaz汗 亚Khazaal 有问题的智能手机使用,就像有问题的互联网使用一样,是一种需要在网上寻求治疗的情况。在缺乏成熟的治疗方法的情况下,智能手机提供的监测或控制智能手机使用的工具变得越来越流行,而这些工具的传播在很大程度上没有受到精神健康领域的监督。我们旨在评估跟踪和限制智能手机使用的智能手机工具的普及程度和感知有效性。我们还旨在探索与心理健康、智能手机使用和智能手机成瘾可能会影响这些工具的使用相关的一系列变量。首先,我们使用众包平台多产对1989名美国成年人进行了一项基于网络的调查。其次,我们使用机器学习和其他统计工具来识别潜在用户类别;潜在阶级成员与人口统计变量的关系潜在阶层成员的任何预测因素都来自协变量,如每日平均智能手机使用,智能手机使用的社交问题,智能手机成瘾,和其他精神状况。监测和控制智能手机使用的智能手机工具在参与者中很受欢迎,包括针对孩子的父母;例如,超过三分之二的参与者使用与睡眠相关的工具。 Among those who tried a tool, the highest rate of perceived effectiveness was 33.1% (58/175). Participants who experienced problematic smartphone use were more likely to be younger and more likely to be female. Finally, 3 latent user classes were uncovered: nonusers, effective users, and ineffective users. Android operating system users were more likely to be nonusers, whereas younger adults and females were more likely to be effective users. The presence of psychiatric symptoms did not discourage smartphone tool use. Conclusions: If proven effective, tools that monitor and control smartphone use are likely to be broadly embraced. Our results portend well for the acceptability of mobile interventions in the treatment of smartphone-related psychopathologies and, potentially, non–smartphone-related psychopathologies. Better tools, targeted marketing, and inclusive design, as well as formal efficacy trials, are required to realize their potential. 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:45:03内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e39565/ 关于人工智能在医疗保健和康复应用的物理治疗师的知识和态度:横断面研究 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:30:23内 Mashael Alsobhi 带着汗 默罕默德·费萨尔Chevidikunnan 雷姆Basuodan 喇嘛Shawli Ziyad Neamatallah 背景:人工智能(AI)在康复领域的应用正在迅速增长。因此,有必要了解物理治疗师(PTs)如何在临床实践中感知AI技术。本研究旨在基于多种解释因素,调查PTs患者对AI应用于康复的认知和态度。基于网络的谷歌表格调查被分为4个部分,用来收集数据。共有317名PTs自愿参与了研究。结果:患者对AI在康复中的应用的知识低于对AI的一般知识。我们发现,基于性别的PTs对AI在康复领域应用的知识存在统计学上的显著差异(优势比[OR] 2.43, 95% CI 1.53-3.87;<我> P < / i > & lt;措施)。此外,经验(OR 1.79, 95% CI 1.11-2.87;P=.02)和学历(OR 1.68, 95% CI 1.05-2.70; P=.03) were found to be significant predictors of knowledge about AI applications. PTs who work in the nonacademic sector and who had <10 years of experience had positive attitudes regarding AI. Conclusions: AI technologies have been integrated into many physical therapy practices through the automation of clinical tasks. Therefore, PTs are encouraged to take advantage of the widespread development of AI technologies and enrich their knowledge about, and enhance their practice with, AI applications. 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:30:23内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e38501/ 基于理论的移动健康干预对强直性脊柱炎患者疾病知识、自我效能和运动坚持的影响:随机对照试验 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:30:02内 (歌 伊丽莎白Reifsnider 陵陈 应王 香港陈 强直性脊柱炎(as)是一种主要影响年轻男性的慢性风湿性疾病,需要长期的疾病管理,建议将患者教育作为疾病管理的一个组成部分。向这些患者提供方便和具有成本效益的教育方法是必要的。本研究旨在检验通过社交网络应用微信提供的基于理论的教育干预对中国AS患者的疾病知识、自我效能、运动坚持和健康结局的影响。方法:本研究是在中国成都某三级医院进行的单盲随机对照试验。合格的参与者被随机分配到干预组或对照组。对照组接受标准治疗。干预组接受基于健康信念模型(HBM)的教育干预,包括4个个人教育课程,并通过中国主流社交网络应用微信分享教育信息。主要结果为疾病知识、自我效能和运动坚持。次要转归为疾病活动性和身体功能。在基线和干预结束时(第12周)收集数据。 Chi-square test, t test, Mann-Whitney U tests were used to examine the effects of educational intervention. Results: This study included 118 patients with AS. The majority of participants were male (93/118, 78.8%). Around half of them were married (56/118, 47.5%), never smoked (70/118, 59.3%), and had college educational level or above (62/118, 52.5%). At posttest, participants in the intervention group had higher disease knowledge (all P<.001) and self-efficacy (P<.001), and a larger proportion of participants in the intervention group adhered to regular exercise routines than those in the control group (P=.003). The within-group analyses for the intervention group showed increases in all scores of disease knowledge (all P<.001) and self-efficacy score (P<.001), but only correct answer score (P=.04) and general knowledge score (P=.002) of disease knowledge in the control group improved. The within-group analysis for the control group found a decline of physical function (P=.002) but no significant change in disease activity (P>.05). The within-group analysis for the intervention group showed no significant change in disease activity or physical function (P>.05). At posttest, no statistically significant difference was found on disease activity or physical function between the intervention and control groups (P>.05). Conclusions: The HBM-based educational intervention through WeChat can effectively improve patient disease knowledge, self-efficacy, and exercise adherence. WeChat is feasible and effective to deliver patient education for patients with chronic diseases such as AS. This mHealth intervention can be integrated into routine rheumatology care. Trial Registration: Chinese Clinical Trial Registry ChiCTR-IPR-16009293; https://tinyurl.com/swxt8xk7 2022 - 10 - 20 - t10:30:02内 //www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e41536/ COVID-19大流行期间的社会孤立、孤独和技术使用对健康相关生活质量的影响:观察性横断面研究 2022 - 10 - 19 - t11:00:03内 Eric Balki 尼尔·海耶斯 卡罗尔荷兰 2022 - 10 - 19 - t11:00:03内