TY -的盟Taramarcaz维克多盟——Herren塔拉盟——戈利Eric盟——方面,西蒙盟——Martin-Achard Sebastien AU -马赫,弗朗索瓦•AU - Schnetzler尼古拉斯AU -里奇,局长Gaetan盟——Zamberg被罩AU - Larribau,罗伯特•AU - Niquille Marc盟——Suppan梅勒妮AU -希弗,爱德华多盟——Suppan Laurent PY - 2022 DA - 2022/5/18 TI -短期干预和交互式电子学习模块激励医疗和牙科学生争取第一反应:实现研究乔- J地中海互联网Res SP - e38508六世- 24 - 5 KW -基本生命支持KW -心肺复苏术KW -第一响应者KW -本科医学教育KW -心脏按压心脏骤停KW -医学教育KW -电子学习KW -数字教育KW -医科学生KW -混合式学习AB -背景:提示和精通基本生命支持(BLS)演习是必不可少的增加心脏按压心脏骤停后生存的几率。然而,在专业救援人员到来之前,可能需要很长时间。为了减少这些延误,许多国家建立了第一响应者网络。这些网络由bls认证的非专业或专业救援人员组成,他们可以被紧急医疗通信中心派遣去照顾那些经历院外心脏骤停的人。然而,许多系统受到活跃的第一响应者数量相对较少的限制,一年级医学和牙科学生可能是一个几乎未开发的潜在救援人员。除了提高劳工统计局对人口的覆盖范围外,这也可以帮助医科学生更好地为他们未来作为认证医疗保健提供者的角色做好准备,并满足社会对医疗保健学生的期望。目的:我们的目的是描述一个简短的动机干预,然后是一个混合BLS课程(电子学习和实践课程)的影响,旨在激励一年级医学和牙科学生入伍作为第一响应者。方法:进行了一个简短的、基于网络的、激励性的干预,介绍了这个项目,并为日内瓦大学医学院的一年级学生提供了一个研究平台的链接。那些同意参与的人在注册之前会被重定向到一份人口调查问卷。 The participants were then asked to answer a second questionnaire designed to determine their baseline knowledge prior to following an interactive e-learning module. Upon completion, a web-based booking form enabling them to register for a 1-hour practice session was displayed. These sessions were held by senior medical students who had been trained and certified as BLS instructors. The participants who attended these practice sessions were asked to answer a postcourse questionnaire before receiving the certificate enabling them to register as first responders. Results: Out of the 529 first-year students registered at University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine on January 14, 2021, 190 (35.9%) initially agreed to participate. Moreover, 102 (19.3%) attended the practice sessions, and 48 (9.1%) had completed all training and enlisted as first responders on the dedicated platform, Save a Life, at 6 months (July 14, 2021). Postcourse confidence in resuscitation skills was associated with a higher likelihood of registering as first responder (P=.03). No association was found between prior BLS knowledge and the probability of registering to a practice session (P=.59), of obtaining a course completion certificate (P=.29), or of enlisting as first responder (P=.56). Conclusions: This study shows that a motivational intervention associated with a short BLS course can convince medical students to enlist as first responders. Further studies are needed to understand the rather low proportion of medical students finally registering as first responders. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/24664 SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2022/5/e38508 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/38508 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35583927 DO - 10.2196/38508 ID - info:doi/10.2196/38508 ER -