TY -的盟Chishtie Jawad Ahmed AU -玛珊德Jean-Sebastien盟——Turcotte卢克盟——Bielska Iwona安娜盟——Babineau杰西卡盟——Cepoiu-Martin莫妮卡AU -欧文,迈克尔AU -万成,莎拉AU - Abudiab,莎莉盟——Bjelica Marko AU -侯赛因,萨马AU -伊姆兰,默罕默德盟——Jeji塔拉盟——Jaglal苏珊PY - 2020 DA - 2020/12/3 TI -可视化分析工具和技术在人口健康和卫生服务研究:JO - J Med Internet Res SP - e17892 VL - 22 IS - 12kw -视觉分析KW -机器学习KW -数据可视化KW -数据挖掘KW -人口健康KW -健康服务研究KW -移动电话AB -背景:视觉分析(VA)使用分析和视觉引擎,通过可视化、交互式技术促进对数据的理解。分析引擎包括自动化技术,而常见的可视化输出包括流程图和时空热点。目的:本范围综述旨在弥补文献中的空白,具体目标是综合关于在人口健康和卫生服务研究(HSR)相关卫生保健领域使用VA工具、技术和框架的文献。方法:使用2018年PRISMA-ScR(系统评审和荟萃分析范围评审扩展的首选报告项目)指南,评审重点关注2005年至2019年3月的同行评审期刊文章和完整的会议论文。每一步都有两名研究人员参与,另一名研究人员对分歧进行仲裁。一个综合的抽象平台从不同的文献机构中获取数据,主要来自计算机和健康科学。结果:在筛选了11,310篇文章后,从55篇文章中得出的结果在以下主要标题下进行了综合:可视化和分析引擎、可视化表示特征、使用的工具及其功能、在医疗保健领域的应用、数据类型和来源、虚拟评估框架、用于虚拟评估应用的框架、可用性和创新,以及协同设计计划。我们发现VA方法广泛应用于流行病学、监测和建模、卫生服务获取、使用和成本分析等领域。所有的文章都包含了一个独特的分析和可视化引擎,并提供了不同层次的细节。 Most tools were prototypes, with 5 in use at the time of publication. Seven articles presented methodological frameworks. Toward consistent reporting, we present a checklist, with an expanded definition for VA applications in health care, to assist researchers in sharing research for greater replicability. We summarized the results in a Tableau dashboard. Conclusions: With the increasing availability and generation of big health care data, VA is a fast-growing method applied to complex health care data. What makes VA innovative is its capability to process multiple, varied data sources to demonstrate trends and patterns for exploratory analysis, leading to knowledge generation and decision support. This is the first review to bridge a critical gap in the literature on VA methods applied to the areas of population health and HSR, which further indicates possible avenues for the adoption of these methods in the future. This review is especially important in the wake of COVID-19 surveillance and response initiatives, where many VA products have taken center stage. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/14019 SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2020/12/e17892 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/17892 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33270029 DO - 10.2196/17892 ID - info:doi/10.2196/17892 ER -