TY - JOUR AU - Prescott, Julie AU - Mackie, Lynn PY - 2017 DA - 2017/6/2 TI -“You Sort of Go Down a Rabbit Hole…”你只是要继续搜索":在怀孕期间在线搜索怀孕相关信息的定性研究JO - J医学互联网Res SP - e194 VL - 19 IS - 6千瓦-怀孕千瓦-信息寻求行为千瓦-定性研究AB -背景:网络正在变得越来越流行,以获得医疗或健康问题的信息;女性尤其有可能在网上搜索这类信息和支持。尽管越来越多的人使用网络获取健康相关的信息,但我们需要质疑网络及其提供的便捷的健康信息是否会导致更多的(患者)授权。怀孕是一段充满喜悦和期待的时光,但对女性来说,怀孕也可能是一段令人担忧的时期,尤其是第一次做妈妈的女性,她们会有不熟悉的经历、症状和对婴儿以及自己的担忧。目的:我们的目的是探讨孕妇在怀孕期间如何以及为什么使用网络来获得信息和支持,以及她们认为什么是可靠的来源。方法:为了达到研究的目标,需要一种定性的方法来收集目前孕妇在怀孕期间使用网络获取信息和支持的经验信息。16名孕妇参加了一项半结构化的访谈,有的是面对面的,有的是通过电话。访谈于2016年1月至3月进行,所有参与者都来自英国,卫生专业人员都受雇于国家卫生服务体系(NHS)。定性分析程序采用NVivo软件(QSR International)支持的归纳主题分析。 Results: Pregnant women found reassurance from the experiences of others. This reassurance resulted in them feeling less alone, as well as enabling them to normalize any symptoms or experiences they were undergoing. The women understood that caution was needed at times while reading the stories of others, acknowledging the potential for extreme cases or worst case scenarios. This is particularly pertinent to the Web, as this wide range of stories may not be as easily accessible if stories where confined to those in a woman’s offline social circle. The interviews provide insights into how and why pregnant women search online for information and perhaps more so, support while pregnant. Conclusions: Searching for health information and advice online during pregnancy is viewed as quick, easy, and accessible. The affordances of the Web have provided women the opportunity to go online as a first port of call. Knowing they were not alone and reading the experiences or symptoms of other pregnant women enabled women to normalize their experience and was ultimately reassuring for pregnant women. SN - 1438-8871 UR - //www.mybigtv.com/2017/19/e194/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.6302 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28583906 DO - 10.2196/jmir.6302 ID - info:doi/10.2196/jmir.6302 ER -