加拿大COVID-19疫苗的犹豫性:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析使用理论域框架的推文内容分析%A Griffith,Janessa %A Marani,Husayn %A Monkman,Helen %+女子学院医院卫生系统解决方案和虚拟护理研究所,女子学院医院,多伦多,M5S 1B2,加拿大,1 6479650943janessa.griffith@wchospital.ca %K疫苗犹豫%K疫苗%K COVID-19 %K免疫%K Twitter %K信息流行病学%K信息监测%K社交媒体%K行为科学%K行为%K加拿大%K内容分析%K框架%K犹豫%D 2021 %7 13.4.2021 %9原文%J J医学互联网研究%G英语%X背景:随着加拿大两种COVID-19疫苗的批准,许多人感到如释然,因为希望即将到来。然而,只有大约75%的加拿大人计划接种其中一种疫苗。目的:本研究的目的是确定加拿大人对接种COVID-19疫苗感到犹豫的原因。方法:我们使用“疫苗”和“COVID”搜索词从加拿大的公共Twitter个人资料中筛选3915条推文。符合纳入标准的推文(即关于COVID-19疫苗犹豫的推文)通过内容分析进行编码。然后将代码组织成主题,并使用理论领域框架进行解释。结果:总体而言,605条推文被确定为关于COVID-19疫苗犹豫的推文。疫苗犹豫源于以下主题:对安全性的担忧,对推动COVID-19大流行或疫苗开发的政治或经济力量的怀疑,对疫苗,反疫苗或权威人士的混淆信息缺乏了解,以及疫苗公司缺乏法律责任。 This study also examined mistrust toward the medical industry not due to hesitancy, but due to the legacy of communities marginalized by health care institutions. These themes were categorized into the following five Theoretical Domains Framework constructs: knowledge, beliefs about consequences, environmental context and resources, social influence, and emotion. Conclusions: With the World Health Organization stating that one of the worst threats to global health is vaccine hesitancy, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the reasons behind this reluctance. By using a behavioral science framework, this study adds to the emerging knowledge about vaccine hesitancy in relation to COVID-19 vaccines by analyzing public discourse in tweets in real time. Health care leaders and clinicians may use this knowledge to develop public health interventions that are responsive to the concerns of people who are hesitant to receive vaccines. %M 33769946 %R 10.2196/26874 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e26874 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/26874 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33769946