%0期刊文章%@ 1438-8871 %I JMIR出版物%V 22%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 12% P e23955 %T德国大学医院医生未来移动设备的使用、要求和期望:网络调查%A Maassen,Oliver %A Fritsch,Sebastian %A Gantner,Julia %A Deffge,Saskia %A Kunze,Julian %A Marx,Gernot %A Bickenbach,Johannes %+亚琛工业大学医院重症医学系,Pauwelsstrasse 30,亚琛,52074,德国,49 2418080444,oliver.maassen@rwth-aachen.de %K移动设备%K移动应用程序%K应用程序%K移动健康%K智能手机%K平板电脑%K设备使用率%K需求%K期望%K医院%K工作设备%D 2020 %7 21.12.2020 %9原始论文%J J医疗互联网Res %G英文%X背景:移动设备在医院护理中的使用不断增加。然而,智能手机和平板电脑尚未广泛成为医疗保健领域的正式工作设备。与此同时,在医院里,私人和官方设备同时使用的现象很常见。医护人员使用智能手机和平板电脑的方式越来越多。这种设备的混合以及如何使用它们,对于负责定义医院护理中移动设备使用策略和规则的人员来说是一个挑战。目的:因此,我们旨在了解医生移动设备的使用现状和具体需求,以及他们对移动设备使用的未来期望。方法:我们于2019年6月至10月在德国8所大学医院的医生中进行了网上调查。在线调查由医院管理人员转发给当地参与患者护理的所有部门的医生。 Results: A total of 303 physicians from almost all medical fields and work experience levels completed the web-based survey. The majority regarded a tablet (211/303, 69.6%) and a smartphone (177/303, 58.4%) as the ideal devices for their operational area. In practice, physicians are still predominantly using desktop computers during their worktime (mean percentage of worktime spent on a desktop computer: 56.8%; smartphone: 12.8%; tablet: 3.6%). Today, physicians use mobile devices for basic tasks such as oral (171/303, 56.4%) and written (118/303, 38.9%) communication and to look up dosages, diagnoses, and guidelines (194/303, 64.0%). Respondents are also willing to use mobile devices for more advanced applications such as an early warning system (224/303, 73.9%) and mobile electronic health records (211/303, 69.6%). We found a significant association between the technical affinity and the preference of device in medical care (χs2=53.84, P<.001) showing that with increasing self-reported technical affinity, the preference for smartphones and tablets increases compared to desktop computers. Conclusions: Physicians in German university hospitals have a high technical affinity and positive attitude toward the widespread implementation of mobile devices in clinical care. They are willing to use official mobile devices in clinical practice for basic and advanced mobile health uses. Thus, the reason for the low usage is not a lack of willingness of the potential users. Challenges that hinder the wider adoption of mobile devices might be regulatory, financial and organizational issues, and missing interoperability standards of clinical information systems, but also a shortage of areas of application in which workflows are adapted for (small) mobile devices. %M 33346735 %R 10.2196/23955 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2020/12/e23955/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/23955 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33346735