%0期刊文章%@ 1438- 8871% I JMIR出版公司%V 1卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析7% N 10% P e243% T社会倾听:Twitter上关于电子烟讨论的内容分析%A科尔-刘易斯,希瑟%A普加奇,吉莉安%A桑德斯,艾米%A瓦盖塞,Arun %A波萨达,苏珊娜%A云,克里斯托弗%A施瓦茨,玛丽%A奥古斯森,埃里克%+国家癌症研究所,烟草控制研究分支,9609医疗中心路,MSC 9761,贝塞斯达,马里兰州,20892,美国,1240 276 6774,augustse@mail.nih.gov %K社交媒体%K推特%K电子烟%K内容分析%D 2015 %7 27.10.2015 %9原创论文%J J医学互联网Res %G英文%X背景:美国电子烟(电子烟)的使用有所增加,导致公共卫生领域关于电子烟使用和监管的积极辩论。为了更好地了解电子烟态度和行为的趋势,公共卫生和传播专业人士可以求助于Twitter等流行社交媒体平台上发生的对话。目的:本研究的目的是通过历史推特数据进行内容分析,以确定关键的对话趋势和模式。方法:从2013年5月1日至2014年4月30日发布的所有公开推文中随机抽取样本,对与电子烟相关的战略关键词进行5类内容分析。相关推文从大约10,000条推文的随机样本中分离出来,并根据情绪、用户描述、类型和主题进行分类。描述性分析包括单变量和双变量相关性,以及所有类别的相关性分析,以确定模式和趋势。结果:分析显示,从2013年5月到2014年4月,与电子烟相关的推文有所增加,推文总体上是积极的;71%的样本推文被归类为具有积极情绪。 The top two user categories were everyday people (65%) and individuals who are part of the e-cigarette community movement (16%). These two user groups were responsible for a majority of informational (79%) and news tweets (75%), compared to reputable news sources and foundations or organizations, which combined provided 5% of informational tweets and 12% of news tweets. Personal opinion (28%), marketing (21%), and first person e-cigarette use or intent (20%) were the three most common genres of tweets, which tended to have a positive sentiment. Marketing was the most common theme (26%), and policy and government was the second most common theme (20%), with 86% of these tweets coming from everyday people and the e-cigarette community movement combined, compared to 5% of policy and government tweets coming from government, reputable news sources, and foundations or organizations combined. Conclusions: Everyday people and the e-cigarette community are dominant forces across several genres and themes, warranting continued monitoring to understand trends and their implications regarding public opinion, e-cigarette use, and smoking cessation. Analyzing social media trends is a meaningful way to inform public health practitioners of current sentiments regarding e-cigarettes, and this study contributes a replicable methodology. %M 26508089 %R 10.2196/jmir.4969 %U //www.mybigtv.com/2015/10/e243/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.4969 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26508089