@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/11506,作者="Johnston, Emily Jade和Campbell, Katarzyna和Coleman, Tim和Lewis, Sarah和Orton, Sophie和Cooper, Sue",标题="母乳喂养期间使用电子烟的安全性:使用在线论坛讨论的定性研究",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2019",月="Aug",日="12",卷="21",数="8",页="e11506",关键词="电子烟;在线论坛;产后复发;吸烟;母乳喂养;背景:电子烟(e-cigs)是一种越来越受欢迎的吸烟替代品,有助于防止那些试图戒烟的人复发,并有可能减少危害,因为它们可能比标准香烟更安全。许多女性在怀孕期间停止吸烟后,会在产后重新开始吸烟,虽然这会影响她们对母乳喂养的决定,但我们对女性在这段时间使用电子烟的看法知之甚少。目的:本研究旨在探讨在线论坛用户目前对产后电子烟使用的态度、动机和障碍,尤其是作为母乳喂养的母亲。方法:通过公开访问(通过谷歌搜索识别)在线论坛讨论收集数据,并识别先验代码。将所有转录本输入NVivo进行分析,并使用主题分析的模板方法对衍生主题的所有转录本进行编码。 Results: Four themes were identified: use, perceived risk, social support and evidence, with a number of subthemes identified within these. Women were using e-cigs to prevent postpartum return to smoking, but opinions on their safety were conflicting. They were concerned about possible transfer of harmful products from e-cigs via breastmilk and secondhand exposure, so they were actively seeking and sharing information on e-cigs from a variety of sources. Although some women were supportive of e-cig use, others provided harsh judgement for mothers who used them. Conclusions: E-cigs have the potential to reduce the number of women who return to smoking in the postpartum period and potentially improve breastfeeding rates, if breastfeeding mothers have access to relevant and reliable information. Health care providers should consider discussing e-cigs with mothers at risk of returning to smoking in the postpartum period. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/11506", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2019/8/e11506/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/11506", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31407672" }