@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。599,作者=“Devine, Theresa and Broderick, Jordan and Harris, Linda M and Wu, Huijuan and Hilfiker, Sandra Williams”,标题=“将优质健康网站建设成为国家公共卫生工作重点:迈向质量标准”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2016”,月=“8”,日=“02”,卷=“18”,号=“8”,页=“e211”,关键词=“在线健康信息;健康知识;可靠性;可用性;背景:大多数美国成年人的健康素养有限。他们难以理解复杂的卫生信息和服务,难以做出明智的卫生决定。互联网已迅速成为人们搜索健康信息的最受欢迎的地方之一,因此在网上获得高质量的信息成为优先事项。然而,目前还没有评估基于网络的健康信息的标准化标准。每10年,美国卫生与公众服务部的疾病预防和健康促进办公室(ODPHP)就会制定一套可衡量的目标,以在未来10年提高国民的健康水平,即健康人。 There are two objectives in Healthy People 2020 related to website quality. The first is objective Health Communication and Health Information Technology (HC/HIT) 8.1: increase the proportion of health-related websites that meet 3 or more evaluation criteria for disclosing information that can be used to assess information reliability. The second is objective HC/HIT-8.2: increase the proportion of health-related websites that follow established usability principles. Objective: The ODPHP conducted a nationwide assessment of the quality of Web-based health information using the Healthy People 2020 objectives. The ODPHP aimed to establish (1) a standardized approach to defining and measuring the quality of health websites; (2) benchmarks for measurement; (3) baseline data points to capture the current status of website quality; and (4) targets to drive improvement. Methods: The ODPHP developed the National Quality Health Website Survey instrument to assess the quality of health-related websites. The ODPHP used this survey to review 100 top-ranked health-related websites in order to set baseline data points for these two objectives. The ODPHP then set targets to drive improvement by 2020. Results: This study reviewed 100 health-related websites. For objective HC/HIT-8.1, a total of 58 out of 100 (58.0{\%}) websites met 3 or more out of 6 reliability criteria. For objective HC/HIT-8.2, a total of 42 out of 100 (42.0{\%}) websites followed 10 or more out of 19 established usability principles. On the basis of these baseline data points, ODPHP set targets for the year 2020 that meet the minimal statistical significance---increasing objective HC/HIT-8.1 data point to 70.5{\%} and objective HC/HIT-8.2 data point to 55.7{\%}. Conclusions: This research is a critical first step in evaluating the quality of Web-based health information. The criteria proposed by ODPHP provide methods to assess website quality for professionals designing, developing, and managing health-related websites. The criteria, baseline data, and targets are valuable tools for driving quality improvement. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.5999", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2016/8/e211/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.5999", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27485512" }