@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1963,作者=“Yardley, Lucy and Miller, Sascha and Schlotz, Wolff and Little, Paul”,标题=“基于网络的手部卫生促进干预评价:探索性随机对照试验”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2011”,月=“12”,日=“09”,卷=“13”,数=“4”,页数=“e107”,关键词=“健康促进;人类流感;洗手;背景:洗手被认为是预防呼吸道感染传播的一种潜在的重要行为,特别是在大流行期间。目的:我们的研究目的是评估基于网络的干预是否可以鼓励更频繁地在家洗手,并检查结果的潜在介质和调节因子,作为在PRIMIT试验(基于感染控制干预的网站的初级保健试验,以改变流感样疾病和呼吸道感染传播)中测试干预对感染率的影响之前的必要的第一步。方法:在平行组实用主义探索性试验设计中,通过初级保健招募的517名非盲成年人被自动随机分配到包括4个定制激励信息和自我调节支持的全自动干预组(n = 324)或无干预对照组(n = 179;比2:1)。在第4周(干预后;所有参与者),并在12周时。 Results: Hand-washing rates in the intervention group were higher at 4 weeks than in the control group (mean 4.40, n = 285 and mean 4.04, n = 157, respectively; P < .001, Cohen d = 0.42) and remained higher at 12 weeks (mean 4.45, n = 282 and mean 4.12, n = 154, respectively; P < .001, Cohen d = 0.34). Hand-washing intentions and positive attitudes toward hand-washing increased more from baseline to 4 weeks in the intervention group than in the control group. Mediation analyses revealed positive indirect effects of the intervention on change in hand-washing via intentions (coefficient = .15, 95{\%} confidence interval [CI], .08--.26) and attitudes (coefficient = 0.16, 95{\%} CI, .09--.26). Moderator analyses confirmed that the intervention was similarly effective for men and women, those of higher and lower socioeconomic status, and those with higher and lower levels of perceived risk. Conclusions: This study provides promising evidence that Web-based interventions could potentially provide an effective method of promoting hand hygiene in the home. Data were collected during the 2010 influenza pandemic, when participants in both groups had already been exposed to extensive publicity about the need for hand hygiene, suggesting that our intervention could add to existing public health campaigns. However, further research is required to determine the effects of the intervention on actual infection rates. Trial: International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN): 75058295; http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN75058295 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/62KSbkNmm) ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1963", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2011/4/e107/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1963", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22155673" }