TY -的盟Willcox简C AU -范德Pligt,佩吉盟的球阀、凯莉AU -威尔金森,雪莱盟——Lappas,玛莎AU -麦卡锡,伊丽莎白AU -坎贝尔,Karen J PY - 2015 DA - 2015/10/28 TI -观点的女性在怀孕和卫生专业人员对健康生活方式干预:定性调查乔- uHealth mHealth JMIR SP - e99六世- 3 - 4 KW -怀孕KW -态度KW -定性研究KW - mHealth AB -背景:有证据表明,女性在怀孕期间未能达到营养、身体活动和体重增加的指导方针。促进怀孕期间健康生活方式的干预措施显示出好坏参半的结果,许多干预措施耗费时间和资源。医疗卫生提供的干预措施提供了一个机会,以及时和具有成本效益的方式提供可信的来源信息。关于妇女和保健专业人员对产前保健中移动保健的看法的研究有限。目的:本研究旨在探讨妇女和卫生专业人员对移动健康信息源和干预措施的看法,以帮助妇女在怀孕期间吃得好,锻炼身体,增加健康数量的体重。方法:采用描述性定性研究方法,对15名孕妇或产后妇女进行焦点小组和深度访谈,对12名卫生专业人员进行深度访谈,包括产科医生、全科医生、助产士、营养师、物理治疗师和社区药剂师。所有的采访都被逐字记录下来并进行主题分析。结果:妇女一致接受移动保健信息源和产前护理干预措施的概念,并将其视为获取信息的中心,并理想地将其纳入未来的产前护理过程。医疗专业人士对移动医疗的看法各不相同,他们认为移动医疗是一种不可避免的、往往是并行的服务,而不是一种整合到医疗模式中的服务。四个关键主题出现了:参与、风险感知、责任和功能。 Women saw their ability to access mHealth elements as a way to self-manage or control information acquisition that was unavailable in traditional care models and information sources. The emergence of technology was perceived by some health professionals to have shifted control of information from trusted sources, such as health professionals and health organizations, to nontrusted sources. Some health professionals were concerned about the medicolegal risks of mHealth (incorrect or harmful information and privacy concerns), while others acknowledged that mHealth was feasible if inherent risks were addressed.Across both groups, there was uncertainty as to who should be responsible for ensuring high-quality mHealth. The absence of a key pregnancy or women’s advocacy group, lack of health funds for technologies, and the perceived inability of maternity hospitals to embrace technology were seen to be key barriers to provision.Women consistently identified the functionality of mHealth as adding value to antenatal care models. For some health professionals, lack of familiarity with and fear of mHealth limited their engagement with and comprehension of the capacity of new technologies to support antenatal care. Conclusions: Women exhibited positive views regarding mHealth for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in antenatal care. Conversely, health professionals expressed a much wider variation in attitudes and were more able to identify potential risks and barriers to development and implementation. This study contributes to the understanding of the opportunities and challenges in developing mHealth lifestyle interventions in antenatal care. SN - 2291-5222 UR - http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/4/e99/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.4869 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26510886 DO - 10.2196/mhealth.4869 ID - info:doi/10.2196/mhealth.4869 ER -