@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /精神。8141,作者="Lachmar, E Megan and Wittenborn, Andrea K and Bogen, Katherine W and McCauley, Heather L",标题="{\#}MyDepressionLooksLike:在Twitter上研究关于抑郁症的公众话语",期刊="JMIR Ment Health",年="2017",月=" 10月",日="18",卷="4",数="4",页="e43",关键词="社交媒体;抑郁症;社会网络;背景:社交媒体为数十亿用户提供了一个联系、表达情感和提供即时状态更新的环境。由于推特用户倾向于在推特上发布日常生活中的情绪更新,该平台为心理健康问题的经历提供了独特的见解。抑郁症不仅是最普遍的健康状况之一,而且还带有社会耻辱。然而,倾诉自己的抑郁症并寻求社会支持可能会缓解症状。目的:这项研究的目的是研究热门标签“我的抑郁看起来像”的公共话语,以更仔细地观察用户如何在Twitter上谈论他们的抑郁症状。方法:我们捕获了3225条2016年5月流传的标签“我的抑郁症看起来像”的原创内容推文。 Eliminating public service announcements, spam, and tweets with links to pictures or videos resulted in a total of 1978 tweets. Using qualitative content analysis, we coded the tweets to detect themes. Results: The content analysis revealed seven themes: dysfunctional thoughts, lifestyle challenges, social struggles, hiding behind a mask, apathy and sadness, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and seeking relief. Conclusions: The themes revealed important information about the content of the public messages that people share about depression on Twitter. More research is needed to understand the effects of the hashtag on increasing social support for users and reducing social stigma related to depression. ", issn="2368-7959", doi="10.2196/mental.8141", url="http://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2017/4/e43/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mental.8141", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29046270" }