@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/35318,作者=“martindales - adams, Jennifer Lynn and Clark, Carolyn Davis and Martin, Jessica Roxy and Henderson, Charles Richard and Nichols, Linda Olivia”,标题=“在医疗保健系统中支持护理人员的短信:开发、试验和全国推广评估”,期刊=“J Particip Med”,年=“2022”,月=“10月”,日=“17”,卷=“14”,数=“1”,页=“e35318”,关键词=“移动医疗;移动健康;自理;退伍军人;家庭照顾者;情绪压力;疾病负担;自我效能感;背景:虽然有许多干预措施来支持护理人员,但SMS短信并没有被广泛使用。目的:在本文中,我们旨在描述退伍军人事务部(VA)安妮压力管理短信短信协议的发展,为退伍军人的照顾者,其试点测试,并随后在全国推广。 Methods: The stress management protocol was developed with text messages focusing on education, motivation, and stress-alleviating activities based on the Resources for Enhancing All Caregivers Health (REACH) VA caregiver intervention. This protocol was then tested in a pilot study. On the basis of the pilot study results, a national rollout of the protocol was executed and evaluated. Caregivers were referred from VA facilities nationally for the pilot and national rollout. Pilot caregivers were interviewed by telephone; national rollout caregivers were sent a web-based evaluation link at 6 months. For both evaluations, questions were scored on a Likert scale ranging from completely disagree to completely agree. For both the pilot and national rollout, quantitative data were analyzed with frequencies and means; themes were identified from open-ended qualitative responses. Results: Of the 22 caregivers in the pilot study, 18 (82{\%}) provided follow-up data. On a 5-point scale, they reported text messages had been useful in managing stress (mean score 3.8, SD 1.1), helping them take care of themselves (mean score 3.7, SD 1.3), and making them feel cared for (mean score 4.1, SD 1.7). Texts were easy to read (mean score 4.5, SD 1.2), did not come at awkward times (mean score 2.2, SD 1.4), were not confusing (mean score 1.1, SD 0.2), and did not cause problems in responding (mean score 1.9, 1.1); however, 83{\%} (15/18) of caregivers did not want to request an activity when stressed. Consequently, the national protocol did not require caregivers to respond. In the national rollout, 22.17{\%} (781/3522) of the eligible caregivers answered the web-based survey and reported that the messages had been useful in managing stress (mean score 4.3, SD 0.8), helping them take care of themselves (mean score 4.3, SD 0.8) and loved ones (mean score 4.2, SD 0.8), and making them feel cared for (mean score 4.5, SD 0.8). Almost two-thirds (509/778, 65.4{\%}) of the participants tried all or most of the strategies. A total of 5 themes were identified. The messages were appreciated, helped with self-care, and made them feel less alone, looking on Annie as a friend. The caregivers reported that the messages were on target and came when they were most needed and did not want them to stop. This success has led to four additional caregiver texting protocols: bereavement, dementia behaviors and stress management, (posttraumatic stress disorder) PTSD behaviors, and taking care of you, with 7274 caregivers enrolled as of February 2022. Conclusions: Caregivers reported the messages made them feel cared for and more confident. SMS text messaging, which is incorporated into clinical settings and health care systems, may represent a low-cost way to provide useful and meaningful support to caregivers. ", issn="2152-7202", doi="10.2196/35318", url="https://jopm.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e35318", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/35318", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36251368" }