%0杂志文章%@ 2291- 9279% I JMIR出版物%V 10卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% N 3% P e35269% T虚拟ER,一个促进医学和护理本科生团队合作的跨专业教育的严肃游戏:发展及评估研究%黄A、高A、南安娜、郭淑珍、林泰龙、卓A、陈洁西、林美琪、黄美妮、吴宗承、韦丽华、嘉中%+香港薄扶林沙顺道5号香港大学李嘉诚医学院临床医学院急诊医学系,邮编852 39179175,awai@hku.hk %K游戏%K跨专业教育%K团队合作%K学习方式%K急诊医学%K急诊护理%D 2022 %7 14.7.2022 %9原创论文%J JMIR严肃游戏%G英语%X背景:让学生参与跨专业教育以培养高阶思维和协作解决问题的技能是具有挑战性的。本研究报告了虚拟急诊室的发展,一个在虚拟平台上玩的严肃游戏,以及它如何成为一种创新的方式,为医学和护理本科生提供跨专业教育。目的:我们报告了一个严肃的网络游戏,虚拟急诊室的发展,并评估其对团队合作增强和临床能力的影响。我们还探讨了虚拟急诊室是否可以成为一种有效的教学工具,以吸引不同学习风格的医学和护理学生。方法:Virtual ER是一个定制的、学习结果驱动的、基于案例的web应用程序。我们开发了一个具有特定机制的游戏表现评分系统,以增强严肃的游戏元素。我们从医学和护理专业招募了62名学生。他们以4人或5人为一组进行游戏,然后由教练指导进行概念巩固。通过人为因素态度调查,比较了比赛前后的团队合作态度。 Learning style was measured with a modified Honey and Mumford learning style questionnaire. Results: Students were satisfied with Virtual ER (mean satisfaction score 5.44, SD 0.95, of a possible 7). Overall, Virtual ER enhanced teamwork attitude by 3.02 points (95% CI 1.15-4.88, P=.002). Students with higher scores as activists (estimate 9.09, 95% CI 5.17-13.02, P<.001) and pragmatists (estimate 5.69, 95% CI 1.18-10.20, P=.01) had a significantly higher degree of teamwork attitude enhancement, while students with higher scores as theorists and reflectors did not demonstrate significant changes. However, there was no difference in game performance scores between students with different learning styles. Conclusions: There was considerable teamwork enhancement after playing Virtual ER for interprofessional education, in particular for students who had activist or pragmatist learning styles. Serious online games have potential in interprofessional education for the development of 21st century life skills. Our findings also suggest that Virtual ER for interprofessional education delivery could be expanded locally and globally. %M 35834309 %R 10.2196/35269 %U https://games.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e35269 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/35269 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35834309