健康焦虑管理的认知行为治疗聊天机器人(Otis);卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析混合方法试点研究%A Goonesekera,Yenushka %A Donkin,Liesje %+奥克兰理工大学心理与神经科学系,Wellesley Street East 55, Private Bag 92006,奥克兰,1010,新西兰,64 21847886, %K健康焦虑%K会话代理%K疾病焦虑障碍%K COVID-19 %K iCBT %K用户体验%K拟人化%D 2022 %7 20.10.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Form Res %G English %X在COVID-19大流行期间,观察到健康焦虑有所增加。然而,由于身体距离的限制和紧张的精神卫生系统,人们无法获得支持来管理健康焦虑。聊天机器人正在成为一种互动手段,以可扩展的方式提供心理干预,并为大量人群提供新疗法提供机会,包括那些可能难以获得传统疗法的人。目的:本混合方法试点研究的目的是调查基于认知行为疗法(CBT)的聊天机器人(Otis)作为COVID-19大流行期间新西兰成年人早期健康焦虑管理干预措施的可行性、可接受性、参与度和有效性。方法:用户被要求完成一个由Otis运行的为期14天的项目,Otis是Facebook Messenger上一个主要基于决策树的聊天机器人。在干预前、干预后和12周的随访中测量健康焦虑、一般焦虑、对不确定性的不耐受、个人幸福感和生活质量。采用配对样本t检验和单因素方差分析来调查结果随时间的相关变化。对半结构化访谈、自我报告问卷和Facebook Messenger中的书面回答进行主题分析。 Results: The trial was completed by 29 participants who provided outcome measures at both postintervention and follow-up. Although an average decrease in health anxiety did not reach significance at postintervention (P=.55) or follow-up (P=.08), qualitative analysis demonstrated that participants perceived benefiting from the intervention. Significant improvement in general anxiety, personal well-being, and quality of life was associated with the use of Otis at postintervention and follow-up. Anthropomorphism, Otis’ appearance, and delivery of content facilitated the use of Otis. Technical difficulties and high performance and effort expectancy were, in contrast, barriers to acceptance and engagement of Otis. Conclusions: Otis may be a feasible, acceptable, and engaging means of delivering CBT to improve anxiety management, quality of life, and personal well-being but might not significantly reduce health anxiety. %M 36150049 %R 10.2196/37877 %U %U %U